
As MeetFighters, we have a clear theme on our site. For over 10 Years, we help to meet (hobby) fighters all around the world. COVID-19 is a hard punch for the whole world. That's why we started FightersAid.
FightersAid uses 50% of our past and current income to pass them in a simple way to small businesses or individuals who are in a struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, we use our income from mid-April until mid-June. We have plans in place to extend this period, “as long as it is needed.” But this depends highly on the overall COVID-19 world situation and our internal resources.
Currently, there are so many people who require help. We had to make some limitations. Please do respect our decisions.

We tried to keep the requirements as simple as possible and, at the same time, filter out frauds:

  • We can only support fighting or training related small companies or individuals.
    • Example: wrestling/judo/bjj Clubs, small gyms
    • We exclude video production companies and escorts.
  • You must have a contact person who is at least 180days on our website. The goal here is to filter out frauds, and to focus the help on our site-community; exceptions may be made.
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    Your contact person on MeetFighters. You must have a contact person who is at least 180days on our website. The goal here is to filter out frauds, and to focus the help on our site-community; exceptions may be made.
    The amount of aid that your club requires. Please include the currency, e.g. "200 USD"
    Describe your reason why you want MeetFighters to help you, and how we can help. What are you doing, and what concrete problems or debts you're facing currently with COVID-19? You can also link to a statement on your website.
    Disclaimer: MeetFighters can extend the time of the project FightersAid. MeetFighters also holds the right to shut down the FightersAid Project at any time without any reason. MeetFighters holds the right to reject any request without providing any reason. (“My money, my decision.”). Every money left, even if FightersAid gets cancelled, will always go to the WHO COVID-19 fund.