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Pro Ring For Hire UK Midlands

Friday-Homes (1)

27.3.2024 12:17

The venue sounds ideal, any takers for a match? Preferably over 40 and around my stats. Do let me know!


JCextreme (47)

27.3.2024 17:23

(In Antwort dazu)

Let me know if you get an opponent and I can reserve the ring for you


Centaur (49 )

27.3.2024 13:43

(In Antwort dazu)

Damn I’m a bit big :


Crescent (2)

23.6.2022 02:24

Enquiry - is the venue only for wrestling, or wrestling with stakes/erotic wrestling etc?


JCextreme (47)

23.6.2022 14:51

(In Antwort dazu)

It's yours to use as you wish in the time.


Crescent (2)

23.6.2022 15:27

(In Antwort dazu)

noted - thanks!


jamstu (103)

19.6.2022 18:47

what are the hire rates?


JCextreme (47)

19.6.2022 20:54

(In Antwort dazu)

£30 for 2 hours


Steve (3)

12.3.2024 16:34

(In Antwort dazu)

Sounds very reasonable.


Centaur (49 )

13.3.2024 12:34

(In Antwort dazu)

Couple years out of date, might want to check!


JCextreme (47)

05.6.2022 09:03

Available for hire, 11 x 11 Pro ring near Birmingham, UK. Just 20 minute drive from Birmingham Airport.
Clean, private facility, home of UKWRESTLINGHUB


loser jim (0)

29.2.2024 09:05

(In Antwort dazu)

whats the name of this place and can you find it on the web


Fitbloke (9)

24.8.2022 08:54

(In Antwort dazu)

Can you post photos of this facility plz?

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