Alternative Wrestling Games

Wrestle Roulette (+)

TxFighter (2)

22.9.2019 22:34

This sounds like an awesome game


BearhugAddict (3)

22.9.2019 05:50

A game for multiple wrestlers, with one timekeeper/referee.

The wrestlers stand in a circle with the timekeeper in the middle. A "base time" of 5 or 10 seconds is selected, as well as a submission hold all players know how to apply. One of the wrestlers is randomly chosen to start the game.

That wrestler immediately applies the chosen hold to the person on their LEFT, for the chosen base time. The hold is applied as strong as the wrestler can, in a genuine attempt to gain a submission.

=If the wrestler maintains the hold for the required time and the victim *does not* submit, they release them, and the applier becomes the new victim, with the person to the applier's RIGHT immediately putting *them* in the same hold for the same time.

+If the victim *does* submit, they are out of the game and everyone else takes a step inwards to tighten the circle. The applier's reward is that they skip their turn at being the victim and instead the person to the applier's RIGHT is immediately put in the hold by the person on *their* RIGHT.

-If the victim *does not* submit, but the applier breaks the hold before the time elapses, the applier is out of the game and everyone else takes a step inwards to tighten the circle. The new person to the victim's RIGHT becomes the new victim and the person to *their* RIGHT the new applier, immediately putting them in the hold.

The game continues like this, with the hold moving around the circle. Each time it completes a full revolution, returning back to the starting person (or passing the point where the starting person would have been if already eliminated), the base time of the hold is added to the current time being used. This repeats until there are only 2 wrestlers left, who trade the hold back and forth (increasing the time as per standard rules) until one person wins either by gaining a submission or having their opponent break the hold from exhaustion.

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