Brit pro wrestling

UK Rings for hire list here please Thank You.

celtwrestle (46 )

08.6.2022 09:31

Try Monica’s Wrestling Centre in Walthamstow


LondonHeel (4)

06.6.2022 19:30

I've seen one advertised at although when you click on the link to book it, you get an error message! They have a smallish ring in their videos so I'm guessing that's it but I could easily be wrong :) Might be worth contacting them direct?


Sussexstrongman (4)

05.6.2022 15:46

Can you please list all rings that can be hired here please.


Dragonbear (14)

07.6.2022 10:53

(In Antwort dazu)

As far as I know this is the only ring for hire at the moment.... The Grove Park ring has been bought by the same owner but awaits a south/south east London venue as far as I know

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