Freestyle Wrestling

Dirty tricks in wrestling "5on2"

LaudyStud (8)

28.10.2024 01:43

There’s nothing dirty about a 5 on 2 - excessive squeezing is a different situation but men come to wrestle with with their whole selves as men. Checking in with a 5 on 2 just shows appreciation for your opponent and his manhood. Handle it with respect and be proud of what makes us men.

To really wrestle you need to stay focused and do whatever it takes. If you need to grab some junk you grab the damn junk and finish the move. If you face ends up in an ass, hold your breath and look for your next step - gotta wrestle out of it.


金的攻撃士 (7)

28.10.2024 07:06

(In Antwort dazu)

You have a great idea.

Have you actually tried "5on2"?

What happened as a result?


金的攻撃士 (7)

23.11.2024 03:36

(In Antwort dazu)

In which video are you actually doing 5 on 2?


DeutscherKaempfer (18 )

06.8.2024 06:59

Interessant. Spielt Ihr euch alle am Sack oder was?


mattj123pin (23)

05.8.2024 08:14

I had never heard of that. I had to look it up... ahh, ughh, ouch.. 5 fingers - two testicles..


DeutscherKaempfer (18 )

04.8.2024 09:25

5on2 i dont lnow.


金的攻撃士 (7)

15.7.2024 09:04

An American man once told me about a wrestling technique called "5on2," and I'm very interested in it.

I'd like to hear from people who have actually experienced it, or had their opponents experience it.

The more details you can provide, such as the circumstances under which this happened and whether it was intentional or a coincidence, the better.

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