Freestyle Wrestling

Two on two

jbmorefilth93 (0)

18.10.2020 10:03

Any male gay couples or buddies want to have a 2 on 2 wrestling match with my boyfriend and I? Would want to maybe meet first then go so rn where secluded to fightz Would prefer two guys around our size (130-175 lb) with exceptions,. Let me know if anyone wants to meet and fug4


bcgrapple (2)

19.10.2020 15:27

(In Antwort dazu)

Sounds hot. I’d meet you guys to fight in a heartbeat if I could find myself a good tag partner


ReadyToWrestle (0)

11.1.2021 06:28

(In Antwort dazu)

I also willing to be your tag partner. However, I note that the challenger's name is stricken. Is he now out?


SeattleFight (509)

28.11.2020 21:00

(In Antwort dazu)

@bcgrapple I’d be your tag partner as long as we get to go at it 1:1 afterwards


bcgrapple (2)

20.12.2020 05:44

(In Antwort dazu)

I’d take you as my tag partner any day.


SeattleFight (509)

21.12.2020 00:00

(In Antwort dazu)

We’ll be a tough team

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