lol, more then a chub and if your victim is mouthy then a good dick slapping to add to the humiliation is fun too! Tighten the hold and make sure he knows whos in charge.
I'm loving it. this is a great conversation starter for sure. I'm a technical wrester/grappler so I study ways to inflict pain that are very easy for me to apply. Lately I've been observing the body scissors aka mma and bjj trends of this combo hold called the "Scorpion Crush", it comes highly recommended from one of my favorites on here. Check it out on You Tube, it's freaking awesome. I finally had the chance to apply it to one of my BJJ buddies, and he tapped out.
Subfaceseat (3)
31.7.2022 18:53Anyone who gets Hard with my head between their legs . I’ll just open my mouth so it has somewhere to go
slowsubs (139 )
29.7.2022 08:10lol, more then a chub and if your victim is mouthy then a good dick slapping to add to the humiliation is fun too! Tighten the hold and make sure he knows whos in charge.
Mollycatcher59 (6 )
02.10.2021 13:41so iss it right will look for a match where i can try or get it too
InkedRican (31)
26.9.2021 20:54I'm loving it. this is a great conversation starter for sure. I'm a technical wrester/grappler so I study ways to inflict pain that are very easy for me to apply. Lately I've been observing the body scissors aka mma and bjj trends of this combo hold called the "Scorpion Crush", it comes highly recommended from one of my favorites on here. Check it out on You Tube, it's freaking awesome. I finally had the chance to apply it to one of my BJJ buddies, and he tapped out.
Liao51 (0)
03.10.2021 14:41(In Antwort dazu)
That one can be crazy tight for sure! Makes it really hard to breathe.
luckyone840 (26 )
26.9.2021 11:05Yes, absolutely all the time, fully!
Mollycatcher59 (6 )
25.9.2021 18:41very nice idea to sit so a facesit
Fig4headscizzors (5 )
23.9.2021 13:47Executing my fig4 crotch to face I get a full on!
Mollycatcher59 (6 )
26.9.2021 12:40(In Antwort dazu)
yes will see who is the champ :-)
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
25.9.2021 20:06(In Antwort dazu)
I agree most enjoyable
TX bull (22 )
21.9.2021 20:06Yup it happens, luckily most guys seem not to mind.
Heel Bait (13 )
22.9.2021 00:16(In Antwort dazu)
Do they not mind, or are their protests smothered out? 😈
TX bull (22 )
22.9.2021 00:35(In Antwort dazu)
maybe a little both, who can tell really. All I know is they seem to find their way back into my headscissors. 😈
Heel Bait (13 )
22.9.2021 00:43(In Antwort dazu)
I’ll have to take you on, then; you’d have to actually fight to get me in one. 🤨
TX bull (22 )
22.9.2021 00:53(In Antwort dazu)
you got it, don't worry you will find yourself in them and many others.
Heel Bait (13 )
22.9.2021 00:57(In Antwort dazu)
I accept your smacktalk challenge 😈
PA Wrestler (48 )
22.9.2021 16:59(In Antwort dazu)
That’s gonna be a hot match.
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
21.9.2021 20:01Hell ya all the time
skweezhard (8 )
21.9.2021 17:19That happens to quite a few of us, once we've got the scissors locked on well, me included!
Legman77 (9)
20.9.2021 18:55While pulsing a headscissors with a face to crotch, do yo ever get a semi-chub? Um die Galerie zu sehen, logge dich bitte ein.
FightGames (27 )
23.9.2021 07:00(In Antwort dazu)
it s not a semi it s a full for me
Mature Sub Play (0)
21.9.2021 18:29(In Antwort dazu)
absolutely, when applying and watching it grow when trapped in one.
headscissorschgonwburbs (24 )
20.9.2021 21:22(In Antwort dazu)
My favorite way to apply luv the throbbing when applied