Pro Wrestling Cyber match

Princepaulbritpro vs Zeus

Bomber (20)

01.12.2015 17:38

Zeus is a punk!


Zeus (15)

01.12.2015 04:33

Princepaulbritpro: …best of luck boy… blue wrestling trunks with white stars, silver knee length wrestling boots, white elbow supports... black knee length robe... blue corner... 5.8, 165lbs,

Zeus: I walk to the ring...see you already there in your blue trunks...jump over the apron and flex biceps for audience...I take apart the ropes and get in the ring posing suit...crab muscle flex in the middle of the ring...GRRRRRRR!!!... 5.5 175lbs… yt

… nods and pulls off my robe and then hands it off.. holding the ropes and facing out of the ring back to my opponent.. yt

Zeus: seeing the local audience in the brit coliseum cheering on you as your favorite local wrestler...announcer: ...and his opponent from Peru ...ZEUS!!!.... audience releasing some booooss .... I yell at them to shut up!...double bicep flex at

Princepaulbritpro: SECONDS AWAY... SESSION ONE.. ding ding!... pulls on the ropes and then paces to my right to circle my opponent... hands up.. yt

Zeus: I hear the ring and move out...circling you...see you arms up...go for the lock and quickly sends a kick to your off guard middle section! BAMMMM!

Princepaulbritpro: just as i bring my hands up you jab a kick to the tummy.. OIMMMMMFFF!!1.. drops to a knee... nnnaaaa.. yt

Zeus: see you falling on one knee...pick you up by your hair...and forearm uppercut to your chin BAMMMM!....double bicep flex to the audience after my move...YEAHHH!!

Princepaulbritpro: aayyaa.. holds your shoulder as i come up and then SSAAAAAAA!!!... catches the chin nicely as i drop back in a breakfall... nnnfffff. yt

Zeus: as I see you laying on the canvas...quickly run to the corner climb to top rope and jump off for a body blast!

Princepaulbritpro: you give me enough time to roll out and let you drop on the canvas... coming to my feet i pick you up by the hair and drive you to the rope.. .lookiing to take you across the ring in a whip... yyyaaa. yt

Zeus: see you rolling off my way...NOOOO!....UFFFFFFFFF!!....muscled upper body hits the canvas...stunned for a moment...follow you up as you pic me up without resistance...audience cheering on you, glad to see you on your feet...then whip me to the ropes...tossed to the ropes...bounce off the ropes to you...see you standing waiting for me...jump and drop kick to your hairy chest BAMMM!!

Princepaulbritpro: forcing you across the ring fast and as you return you are already up in the drop kick as you crash to my chest.. nnnnnffffff... dropping back in a break fall again... yt

Zeus: audience releases a big...awwwww...and booing me as I get up slowly and go for you...hold the top rope and choke your throat with my barefoot GRRRRRRRRR!!!!....ref comes to me and warns me to

Princepaulbritpro: as you drape me on the ropes i launch an elbow back to your head to try and break the hold as i drop to a knee as you break... then holding my throat i come back around to circle again.. yt

Zeus: I release the hold and shake my head after your elbow...circling again...go for you and get you in a bearhug! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!...squeezing the hell of you...GRRRRRRR!!!...muscles flexed around your ribs...GRRRRRRR!!!

Princepaulbritpro: i come up on my toes as you put ont he bear hug.. NNNFFFFF... then a double karate chop to the neck on both sides to try and break the hold... SAAAAAA!!. yt

Zeus: AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!...release you inmediately and step back to the ropes holding my neck...damn!!!

Princepaulbritpro: i follow up again and snatch your wrist and then turn to send you across the ring again.. yt

Zeus: tossed easily to the opposite ropes...bounce back to you...see you on guard but I jump and cross body plast chest to chest BAMMM!

Princepaulbritpro: as you come towards me i turn my body and try to hook under your arm pit for a hip toss if i time it right.. nnnffff. yt

Zeus: my move broken with your hit toss sending me flat to the canvas...damn!!...I roll to my side getting my slowly

Princepaulbritpro: i follow up and grip your hair and then reach between the thighs for a crotch hold.. looking to bring you across my chest and then upside down.. nnnnnnfff. yt

Zeus: follow you up...feel the hold my crotch....UFFFFFFFFF!...upside down position against you....NO! NO! NO!!....see your intention and wrap my muscled thighs on your head and swing my body to bring you down to the canvas ...YEAHHH!

Princepaulbritpro: jsut as i hold you up you swing as i drop to my back from your momentum.. yaaaaaa!!. yt

Zeus: audience encourging you to get on your feet as they see me getting up slowly...I flex shiny sweaty muscles to the audience...pull you up by your hair and place your chest and abs body across my shoulders ...lift you up...walk some steps forward and Samoan Drop!!!...BAMMMM!

Princepaulbritpro: ooommffff!!!.. i drop to my back again on the canvas... splayed out.. yt

Zeus: I roll on top of you...cross body pin...ref comes

Princepaulbritpro: unable to move from the dorp.... yt

Zeus: ...3...ref calls the bell...ding ding ding...audience ...awwww... I get up to my feet and flex muscles as winner...see your body spread eagle on the canvas... I place my barefoot on your hairy sweaty chest breathing hard up and down...double bicep flex!...END.


Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )

01.12.2015 10:17

(In Antwort dazu)

Prince paul works Very well , but Zeus Stay the god Of the ring

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