6’3 270 lbs muscle looking for skilled comp wrestler. Love guys who can counter and who are technically sound. Size strength doesn’t always win espciall Vs technique. Trillion is reco11
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Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )
21.11.2018 09:405’5 205 any challenger to beat the muscleman ? Trillian sergiobbder
videostar07 (43 )
24.11.2018 19:16(In Antwort dazu)
I think I can beat you with my skills ;)
My Trillian is kcvs07
jimmoon56 (1)
21.11.2018 12:58(In Antwort dazu)
Hey Sergio,
Sounds really Hot! Would love that challenge my 'Strong/Muscled' friend.
Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )
23.11.2018 07:43(In Antwort dazu)
Ok’big man
HardfightFfm (73 )
15.10.2018 07:48That's right. Me I have to win by technical survival not with strength.
commandertc (76)
15.10.2018 05:16true statement reco11
Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )
14.10.2018 14:02Bdbuilder 5’5 203
Reco11 (6)
14.10.2018 12:486’3 270 lbs muscle looking for skilled comp wrestler. Love guys who can counter and who are technically sound. Size strength doesn’t always win espciall Vs technique. Trillion is reco11
JStiles85 (19)
15.10.2018 13:23(In Antwort dazu)
6' 200lbs trillian bryanphoenix