Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Looking for online coach / Cherche coach virtuel

Emilio (0)

29.3.2020 09:04


I’m totally new to nude fighting
I’ve practiced karate for 3 years and got brown belt but stopped it 10 years ago and now I need to train from scratch

I would love to train naked, preferably with a nude coach, and preferably south of France but the most important is to get a motivated coach who would enjoy getting a new trainee. I can understand English but my mother language is French.

You can contact me directly or post here in order to expose your method and the requirements needed. We can begin with a Skype/hangout/zoom or any other videoconf tool.

In these times, online training would be the best. After that, if online training is a success, let’s keep on the good workout ;)


Je cherche un coach en ligne, francophone est un plus mais anglophone ne pose pas de soucis.

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