MeetFighters ist eine Seite für Leute die Kampfsport mögen, aber die nicht unbedingt professionelle Kampfsportler oder Athleten sind. Deshalb besteht ein großer Bedarf bezüglich Sicherheitsbewusstsein.
Es gibt einige grundlegende Regeln die man beachten sollte. Selbst wenn Hausverstand, Vorsicht und Erfahrung noch so groß sind, kann man die Möglichkeit eines Unfalls nicht gänzlich ausschließen. Die Intension der Seite ist es, ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen und unsere Erfahrungen auszutauschen, was die Sicherheit beim Wrestling und Fighten betrifft.
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Spruceman (55)
26.2.2020 03:40I let all my doctors and other medical people at Virginia Hospital Center that I participate in these sports. I believe that one's health-care providers should know for obvious reasons. Most react positively to its strength maintaining and coordination values. Never had any respond negatively, despite often being surprised as hell that I do this at my age :). That way they know to apprise me of any temporary restrictions/prohibitions when warranted. And you might find a potential wrestling or MMA partner in the process.
Karategi01 (16 )
18.2.2020 12:58Règles de sécurité de base au niveau des chutes et du sol si le combat l'envisage. Pareil pour les frappes selon le niveau d'endurance du partenaire. Hyper attentif pour une séance de gut-punching et très progressif. Enfin, toujours attentif aux demandes et envies du partenaire pour un meilleur plaisir partagé.
Christian Rage (47)
17.2.2019 07:46For me I always get to know my opponent understand their likes & dislikes, their skills level and holds.
I personally will never do piledriver as for me it's an exceptionally dangerous hold if executed badly.
As a heel I also get the jobber\opponent to have a safe word so that if they feel its more than they were expecting they can use that.
It should be safe & fun for both having walked away having a blast.
AznAsian (0)
06.8.2018 10:04Thoughts on removing glasses? I know contacts are a definite removal, but what are some of the risks with glasses? I'd imagine more so.
BoyToy Wunderkind (72 )
06.8.2018 10:13(In Antwort dazu)
I’d never wrestle with my glasses on ‘cause they’ll definitely slide off and possibly break. And as you know, new frames cost money. 🤑🤑
I almost always wear contacts for my matches, unless I wanna just wrestle blind. Out of over 50 matches, I only had a problem once when a guy choked me so hard the contact lens popped out and landed on the bed.
Cloudiart (0)
12.4.2018 09:36I believe everyone should have a better understanding with their various health conditions . it safes you and your partner .Be careful and don't over push your limit .
Jock2Boxwithstakes (4 )
11.5.2018 17:00(In Antwort dazu)
I imago you should be in fairly good shape. If you have a heart condition could be risky if you push yourself too far.
CDNWolf (0)
06.2.2018 09:35Should those of us who have HIV be obligated to disclose our status? Undetectable HIV+ here.
lee123 (28 )
07.4.2018 16:25(In Antwort dazu)
as a nurse , if ur going to be having sex YES of course, in the uk ...this action can be classed as manslaughter.. honesty is always the best policy
befrombigd (7 )
29.5.2019 01:16(In Antwort dazu)
If it is undetectable, can it still be transmitted?
AD33C (4 )
07.4.2018 16:23(In Antwort dazu)
I believe so, depends on the contact level, because even a minor cut of the lip could become an issue with serious transferrable diseases, both parties should be aware of the risk involved so as to take an informed choice or take the necessary precautions.
Jock2Boxwithstakes (4 )
11.5.2018 17:07(In Antwort dazu)
If you have a nondetectable viral load the odds of you transmitting anything are next to nill so I have been told. You should be upfront about it when you are going to engage in sexual activity. As for a scrape or wound. If there’s no virus in it then chances are nothing will happen. Still a lot of fear and paranoia in regards to HIV.
Rocket (3 )
03.1.2018 04:45Everyone should ask. A and easy thing to do.
Ask I will tell. That is my motto
StrikeFighter (82 )
08.11.2017 14:13If a member has a pre-existing medical condition he should make sure his opponents are aware. I recently heard of a meet between two members of this site that nearly ended badly because one of them had an epileptic fit.
From now on I will ask future opponents if they have any medical issues I should know about before we fight.
BigDog2017 (0)
24.1.2018 21:29(In Antwort dazu)
I have a shunt tube in my skull so I cannot take any headshots.
Tony01 (8)
23.1.2017 10:34Remember your age, health status and limits... Pace yourself. Be totally specific in your profile description. Don't leave anything to question.
hereit is (8)
05.1.2017 17:33i always suggest to any opponent that before we begin that we write down a phone number for an emergency contact in case one of us passes out during wrestling like an unexpected heart attack. panic will set in very fast when you have an unresponsive opponent laying on a mat and you don't know who to call in an emergency. if we finish our wrestling without injury or pain, then we tear up our contact info sheet. good idea?
Tiger (44)
18.4.2013 19:57Take every precaution to safeguard you and our opponent. Better safe than sorry. I know when I spar you never know what could happen so prepared t stop before something bad happens. You can have fun if you just use some good judgement. So when in doubt something that may sound like a good idea-just may not be in hindsight.
frotlover66 (0)
02.3.2013 12:23I see this on so many ads with stuff like Trampling etc and it makes you wonder if half of these people have any real safety awareness/training.
Whilst I cant speak for trained martial artists, here are the Facts regarding this "activity":)
It could potentially break a rib. Especially If the bones are weaker or previous injury.
2) Damage to the lining of the stomach, blood vessels:
Repeatedly using force on this area damages the lining of the gut, which affects the intestines, food regulation etc. Bone bruises arent good and can cause other problems.
Also, If you suddenly wind someone, air is cut off briefly and depending on the individual there are a number of things mild and bad that can occur.
3) Muscle trauma & nerve trauma:
There LOADS of nerve endings here, do you think its cool to keep hitting them like that? Btw, folks, there is also risk of referred injury to the neck/shoulder muscles when you "gutpunch" someone.
4) Referred lung damage:
Did you know..the lungs are kinda close to the ribs. So there is also some force to the lungs as a result of hitting this area. If you fuck your lungs up you might regret that.
.."Unless you know what you Are Doing, & you have considered the above, Risk of getting hurt is obvious."
There are some childish people out here who watch too much TV. Wrestling at any level is very cool, but safety isnt a game.
Know the risks & Play safe!:)
29.11.2012 11:41Headlocks are one of my favorite holds. Aside of being effective they can be a lot of fun too. There are many types of headlocks. There are DANGERS to headlocks too. NEVER hold a headlock if you suspect your opponent not to respond. ALWAYS release a headlock IMMEDIATELY when your opponent does not respond.
This tragedy was reported recently: Oxford don died after fellow professor restrained him with headlock ...
Headlocks, chokes, sleepers, etc. are potentially deadly dangerous IF you do not know what you are doing.
SAFETY FIRST. 1) Release hold immediately if your opponent does not respond.
2) When you are in such a hold ... NEVER play for unconscious!!! (if you are not)
dragonuk (21 )
09.4.2012 22:08Spread the word on this story, to avoid this being repeated. The video by the gracie family is well worth watching to.
SileX (219)
10.4.2012 21:57(In Antwort dazu)
I recommend that everybody watch the Gracie video linked by dragonuk.
ClaphamRob (0)
15.6.2014 12:21(In Antwort dazu)
I couldn't agree more (FighterBoyy). This is a responsible video to what was a terrible accident, and one that could have easily been avoided. I had to stop someone doing the same thing to someone else when I was 13 - I dread to think what might have happened if I'd not intervened when I did. I guess it comes down to awareness for the other person.
tote (39)
27.2.2012 20:44Plesae follow these rules of wise advise so you and your wrestling partner can both enjoy wrestling not for a match but for a long time in life!
Lion Mike55 (56)
18.2.2012 10:56wrestlers , make clear what you want and certainly don`t want and what`s the stopping sign . Talk about earlier injuries , if your rules are overruled report it to Allfighters , have a safe fight everyone 1
ikf (24 )
12.2.2012 22:49Aside from being a part of generic cleanliness and aesthetics, it is also a safety issue - think thumbnail into the eye during fighting with open-finger MMA gloves. Happened to me, luckily I got away without much damage - but it ended the match to considerable disappointment of both parties.
Skin cuts, although usually minor, could still have some health risks, and/or prevent your opponent from continuing the match with you - and with others in a group setting.
BikerE1W (5)
22.1.2012 14:02I would also suggest some communication between parties before a meet as to what level of cleanliness is expected.. A recent challenge arrived not smelling too good (borderline send home) and later revealed a pissy jock... I also had to cancel a wrestle with two guys the following week as I was getting covered in bites.. I always make it clear that cleanliness for me is of ultimate importance... not being into mansmells or deodourants, freshly showered is much preferred...
SileX (219)
23.1.2012 01:10(In Antwort dazu)
"Mansmells" is such an euphemism. :D
scubawrestler (91 )
13.1.2012 23:03While there is nothing wrong with friends sharing a beer, a glass of wine, or even a cocktail, it should be remembered that the loss of inhibitions and control that can be brought about by an excess of alcohol, can be dangerous when mixed with the fight scene. Fight sober, and have a drink together with dinner thereafter, but not to excess.
Kundar (21)
11.3.2012 12:36(In Antwort dazu)
I agree completely. No alcohol while fighting. Afterwards a friendly glass with the others is ok...
SileX (219)
14.1.2012 20:38(In Antwort dazu)
This is good advice!
Sturdy (31)
14.1.2012 01:27(In Antwort dazu)
True, plus alcohol can mask pain, which exists for a reason.
And please, just don't get me started on any other substances...
wiganwrestler3001 (5)
11.1.2012 19:06From my own experience dont rush into sorting a fight based on ego. Most men will talk the big talk online but pay close attansion to knowing your own limits before meeting and even booking a match. There is a difference between squaring up to a guy on chat and in real life. If you dont like the rules of the match, dont agree to them.
Find someone who has a similiar experience or a guy used to helping novices! Play safe.
Sturdy (31)
12.1.2012 00:52(In Antwort dazu)
"Most men will talk the big talk online"
They are idiots. Avoid them. Find someone sensible instead.
SileX (219)
12.1.2012 16:20(In Antwort dazu)
I'm not sure what's up with all the thrash talk that goes on online. I lost count of the number of times people have used the internet to tell me how certain they were they could defeat me. I'm not sure they are all "idiots", even if they engage in a behavior that could potentially end up very embarrassing for them, after all, I do maintain a higher than average win ratio both within my weight class and outside.
What I think is that this sort of activity stems from either a misguided attempt at psychological warfare, an imitation of what they saw on television or possibly both. I don't care either way, I guess I'm more a man of action than words.
What I really do dislike is men who do nothing but talk big online, that is, have no intention of following their talk up with a real life meet. That's just sad.
wrestle46 (8)
03.1.2018 07:24(In Antwort dazu)
Couldn't agree more, I've had that happen and not just once.
brightonbearhug (2)
17.2.2012 16:03(In Antwort dazu)
I think a lot of those type of guys (apart from obvious fakes) talk it up because they are getting some kind of unreal thrill of fighting the man. "Trash talk" only really works between friends, or previous opponents.
Back to the main topic "Know your limits" : wise words. Some 20 years ago, in my first bouts, and with no training, I was silly enough not to submit early enough - like I was some kind of tough man. Men with any experience in Martial Arts do - and they know why. If it hurts bad say "give" immediately and be able to fight another round. No bonus points for staying in a hold and regretting it for weeks later!
SileX (219)
17.2.2012 16:10(In Antwort dazu)
This brings up another good point: know the limits of your opponent. If you are more stronger and/or experienced, fighting a beginner, it is your responsibility to make sure he has enough time to tap out.
What I do when I have the new guy in a submission hold is make sure he understands that it's tappy time, and apply pressure to the hold slowly. I have nothing to lose at that point anyway; once the hold is on I'm not going to lose it.
brightonbearhug (2)
17.2.2012 16:32(In Antwort dazu)
Thanks Sile, that was what I wanted to say really.
It is so important for new/inexperienced wrestlers, with no training/experience to know to submit quickly .. and realise there is no shame in doing so. Equally, bigger and stronger guys have the responsibilty to release a hold if he knows it will damage his opponent. Also remember, unless fighting an experienced guy, apply your submission holds slowly and increase the pressre slowly. We all love the fun, excitement, combat ; but we all want to go home sore, maybe bruised, but not hurt.
castaldo28 (13)
11.1.2012 02:11Let's becarefull and be save
tawrestler (6)
16.1.2012 01:10(In Antwort dazu)
yes! wrestling is for fun
coboxerbear (30 )
10.1.2012 22:26I have always been concerned about the fight environment…where we box, wrestle, etc. Not everyone has access to a ring or to mats, so we have to use what we have available, and that can involve hotel rooms, living rooms or backyards.
In these settings, walls, furniture and the floor are all things that can cause injury to one another. Being pushed up on a wall by an opponent may seem tantalizing, but if that wall has a picture frame, and that frame has glass…well you get the idea. The thing I am most worried about is falling onto a piece of furniture and banging my head on it, so yes, I wear headgear even if some guys think that is lame. I can show up at work on Monday with a black eye and explain it; I can’t explain it if I am in a coma with injuries to my skull and brain. And while an open backyard has advantages with a wide open space, it is important to remember that solid dirt is hard!
Be aware of whom you are going up against. Check his references on here, that is basically what they are for! If the guy says he wants bare knux, and you want to try it, great…let him know that…and agree up front that if it isn’t for you, that you switch to gloves or part amicably. If you are a novice, let your opponent know, it should be a great chance to get coached and on your way to someday be the one coaching. We all started at zero here, so there shouldn’t be anyone that says “no, ain’t gonna meet up with you because you don’t know what you are doing.” If they do say that, then it probably isn’t worth it (just my opinion).
We all want to live to fight another day, so do things to make sure that you do. Survey your surroundings, know your opponent, be comfortable in your skills (or lack of) and then just go out and have fun. Think with your brain, not your dick.
walterjack (10)
14.12.2013 22:02(In Antwort dazu)
Always a smart idea. One of the few injuries I've ever received while wrestling wasn't from my opponent or in a match, it was while we were prepping a space. A bedframe rail was leaned against a wall but slid and fell over - striking me in the back. Made a nice little gash. Note to self.
Also, if you're into pro fantasy definitely talk a bit before hand. Learn what you are each capable of. Even if you love a certain move being applied to you or you using it, if both of you are not comfortable or have some experience then it could end badly. Take the time to learn a hold or a move slowly and carefully first and be confident and comfortable that you can do it before ever trying it.
wrestle46 (8)
25.7.2012 08:33(In Antwort dazu)
Great advice. You have given me a couple of thoughts on safety here thanks!
Mark Hepburn (1)
19.1.2012 19:11(In Antwort dazu)
Excellent and sane advice.
StandandTrade (12)
10.1.2012 22:44(In Antwort dazu)
Smart, sound advice. We all want to have fun and get the most from our experiences. Breaking furniture or ourselves on said furniture is not fun. Thanks, coboxerbear.
scotsgrappler (114)
09.1.2012 13:53This might sound self-serving but will be familiar to many guys with a larger than, say 10, list of past opponents: the "novice" who says he hesitated or was afraid to wrestle a more experienced guy. As someone who has picked up a lot, and not just bruises, from the generosity of more experienced or just better grapplers I think I can safely say the risks from taking on another newbie are much greater. Two men not really knowing what they are doing PLUS testosterone flowing is a recipe for disaster. Most experienced guys readily adjust their volume when they are up against a less experienced man. Now, the "novice" who displays a more than passing acquaintanceship with the technical variations of various kimoras (and yeah, they do exist!) is a different challenge!
SileX (219)
08.1.2012 15:58I think the proper approach is to find a good balance between the two. On one hand, have a good time, and sometimes a good times involves a degree of roughness. On the other hand, don't get carried away. It all comes down to experience: I guess the most common mistake amateurs make is trying to do something they are not skilled enough for, and ending up unintentionally injuring their opponent (or themselves).
redlandguy (199)
10.1.2012 14:31(In Antwort dazu)
I think the balance depends on a few things:
I adjust my game to an opponent's experience, fitness level, size, and interests.
For some of us, the fun IS the sport, but not every sport match is going 100% all out.
I've had a few years of jiujitsu so a "competitive" match means something different with another guy with similar training, size and strength than it does where there is an imbalance. More skilled guys can adjust their game in a number of ways to make a match with a new guy worthwhile for both:
1) Teach him something, and roll in a way that he gets to practice the new technique. I find that I learn more about techniques I know when I have to explain them to someone.
2) Instead of going for submissions, try to get to a position you need to practice, or start from a disadvantage (like under side control).
3) If rolling with a lighter guy, control their mobility with space, not bodyweight.
To the new guys:
Be careful what you ask for! If you ask me to go all out on you... I'm not going to do that! A good guy can stay a half step ahead of a new grappler, and keep him going, and adjust as he learns. But sometimes people ask for things that just aren't good ideas.
Choose guys with past opponents. They are more likely to show up, and recommendations will sort out who is good with new guys and who isn't.
JasonFL (23)
10.1.2012 19:59(In Antwort dazu)
Well said!
scubawrestler (91 )
08.1.2012 18:24(In Antwort dazu)
You are absolutely correct, Sile. As is frequently evidenced by the videos people post online of matches, it is clear there is a lot of unskilled fighting going on. Know your limits, and don't cross them unless you are with a qualified trainer who knows how to recover you. Accicents and injuries happen. It's a fact of life, but balance and common sense can diminish their potential harm.
07.1.2012 20:37Dear members,
This simple message board is here for you to share your safety-related questions, personal experiences and any other information that you feel is on topic. The intent is to help each other avoid unnecessary accidents and injuries.
Steeleyes (2)
13.1.2012 23:52(In Antwort dazu)
Also remove spectacles and watches and if you carry a 1st aid kit in your car take it into your wrestle venue.Jaybee
Sturdy (31)
08.1.2012 13:35(In Antwort dazu)
A year ago Sile started a thread for safety in the Submission Holds interest group section, which you can read here -
To summarise:
1: Always warm up before wrestling.
2: Know your limits!
3: Check for injuries or medical conditions
4: Take it easy on the first round or two.
5: Mind your head!
6: Never hold three fingers or less.
7: Remove rings, bracelets, piercings and contact lenses.
8: Trim your fingernails
(see the thread for full details)
Generally, be safety conscious. Remember that a lot of the techniques you are using were originally designed for real life or death battles, so you can actually injure and indeed KILL your opponent if you are not careful about what you are doing.
Use locks carefully, don't slam them on at 100 miles an hour. Broken arms and dislocated knees are not fun. Get a hold on firmly and then GRADUALLY increase the pressure to get your submission.
This is especially true if you're doing chokes! Be VERY careful not to put too much pressure on a guy's neck. If you damage his windpipe you could kill him.
You might get a thrill out of making a guy pass out, but medically it is to be avoided. Likewise if you get off on being choked unconscious. You might think it's very horny but please remember that you are skating on very thin ice when you play around with this kind of thing. Tap out, don't pass out.
Wrestling is fun, but you have to be intelligent about it. It can stop being fun very quickly if you're sitting there in your lycra pants with a dead body by your side.
In my wrestling bag I always have a first aid manual and rudimentary first aid kit, so I'm always prepared, but nothing takes the place of basic common sense.
Keep a sense of perspective. We all enjoy scrapping but we want to be able to carry on doing it, live to fight another day :-)