

User seit 2.3 Jahre
Alter 45
Größe 175 cm
Gewicht 79 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Hetero
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann oder Frau
Outfit Pro trunks and boots. Speedos and leotards as well on occasion.
Letzter Login heute
Letztes Update 28.5.2024
  1. Vereinigte Staaten - Oregon, Prineville
    Place of residence

Ich bin bereit, 300 Meilen zu fahren


Grew up watching men's and women's pro wrestling on tv as a teen, and i became hooked on it all. Im looking to chat with guys (or women as well, as slim as that is) who are into pro style fantasy wrestling, for possible matches. Pro gear, selling the holds, role played wrestling, nothing rough or dangerous! Not looking for immediate action. I prefer to chat for a few to see if we are even on the same page. I do screen to weed out the people who want or are looking for more than we are.
If I dont reply, dont take it personal. It just means I probably wouldnt have a good time based off what your profile says and what you're looking for, or just a general yes or no interest off pics and gear.
Happy hunting!

Not currently looking for matches.

Not looking for any matches for a bit.




Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match, Give and Take, Squash Match, Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Chatten, Kein Cyberwrestling

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Britisches Prowrestling

Stand-up Fighting: Nicht an Stand-up Fighting interessiert

Sonstige Interessen: Freundschaft, Ich bin ein Heel, Ich bin ein Jobber

Fetische: Kein Sex, Spandex, Wrestling-Outfit

Abonnenten von AZprofantasywrestler

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