- Türkei, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Mahallesi, Ankara
Ich kann Unterkunft bieten (Bed and Breakfast)
No Holds Barred
Pro Wrestling
Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match
Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Brasilianisches Jiu Jitsu, Ringen mit Schlägen an den Körper, Armdrücken, Fights besuchen
Stand-up Fighting: UFC/MMA-Stil
Fetische: Bauchboxen, Muskelkult
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Betroffene Accounts sind:Wrestling with my opponent on the mat and having a fighting match is a passion for me. I have been interested in martial arts for a long time. I am looking for a man to wrestle with me at my level. Wrestling with me will be very painful. The lock movements in the ring and the knee and fist blows to your body will knock you out. Götünü siktirecek değil aslan gibi güreşecek adamlar yazsın bekliyorum