- Vereinigte Staaten - Texas, Nederland
Place of residence
Ich kann Unterkunft bieten (Bed and Breakfast)
Had some brief training in Muay Thai earlier this year and would like to continue training. Have been interested in combat sports for a long time and now that I've had a taste I want more. Very interested in receiving (and giving) gutpunching, jobbing, and receiving punishment in a combat sport situations with the potential for it to transition in a bdsm scenario. I am still 100% down to meet up and train/fight/jerk/edge ect with out the need for bdsm.
Beyond that, I am generally interested learning to fight better, It's not exclusively sexual for me. Although I'm interested in jobbing, I'm not a wet blanket that's just going to stand there and lose, I am very competitive and want to make you work for it. Would love to meet fighters with more experience and learn from them, especially for boxing, muay thai, and karate/taekwondo.
No Holds Barred
Kickboxen / Muay Thai
Nur Zuschauer
Match-Struktur: Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Zwei gegen einen, Trainingspartner, Outdoor-Kämpfe, Suche Trainer
Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Brasilianisches Jiu Jitsu, Fights besuchen, Schlamm-/Ölringen
Stand-up Fighting: UFC/MMA-Stil, Karate, Taekwondo
Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Beziehung, Ich bin ein Jobber, Stakes (Wetteinsätze)
Fetische: Wrestle for Top, Wichsen, Leder, Boxer-Outfit, Wrestling-Outfit, Nacktringen, Bauchboxen, Nippelspiel, CBT, Stripwrestling, Muskelkult