

User seit 9.6 Jahre
Alter 46
Größe 170 cm
Gewicht 70 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit speedos or shorts
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 02.2.2025
  1. Vereinigtes Königreich, Mountain Ash
    Place of residence

Ehemalige Gegner


My name is Gareth, a wrestling fan in Wales.
I'm the Welsh Dragon Warrior, taken over the name after a late friend of mine.
I enjoy watching pro and sub.
Looking for anyone who wants to chat and meet up.
Would be willing to film some matches.
I travel around the UK when I get time off.
Have used the ring and mats in Manchester quite a few times.
Had all my Covid jabs.
Losing weight due to certain health issues.
I prefer to meet at my group sessions only.
I like to purchase custom made matches and supports quite a few friends in the wrestling industry.
I also like watching BG East dvds.
I'll be doing my own group meet in Manchester on March 29 Saturday. Anyone who might be interested, please let me know - INVITATION GUESTS ONLY



Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Nur Zuschauer Nur Zuschauer

Abonnenten von WelshDragonWarrior

WelshDragonWarrior hat keine Cybergegner.
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