
User seit 10.0 Jahre
Alter 71
Größe 178 cm
Gewicht 64 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann oder Frau
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Letztes Update 06.4.2015


heard from buddy who is a member about this site and decided to check it out. Looking for ht/wt proportional partners for some stripped down or naked play wrestling. nothing hard but also like cock fighting with another hard man. Prefer older - 50 plus. if interested drop me a line and lets meet? married here so no place and try for noon time meets if schedules work

also video of one of my favorite cock fights to watch - drop me a line if interested




Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Fetische: Nippelspiel, Schwanzfight, Stripwrestling

Abonnenten von artie perkins

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