
User seit 1.5 Jahre
Alter 31
Größe 175 cm
Gewicht 67 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Letzter Login vor 5 Tagen
Letztes Update 31.7.2024
  1. Dänemark, Odense Kommune, Region Syddanmark
    Luogo di residenza.

Ich kann Unterkunft bieten (Bed and Breakfast)

Ehemalige Gegner


Hi everyone! New here after long time no entering! looking to know new people with similar interest, more or less around my age.
I am interested in submission and grappling training and sparring but also in heel vs jobber pro-wrestling scenario (me as a jobber) and, with the right click, something more kinky.
Not looking directly for something erotic but do not exclude it if the chemistry is right.
Open to make some videos for watchfighters ☺️ check my profile:



Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Abonnenten von seabed93

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