
User seit 8.5 Jahre
Alter 35
Größe 188 cm
Gewicht 116 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Outfit Shorts, shirts Speedo’s
Letzter Login 04.2.2025
Letztes Update 13.11.2019
  1. Vereinigtes Königreich, Killycomain, Northern Ireland / Tuaisceart Éireann


I am inexperienced and want to meet experienced wrestlers.I am obese obviously as shown in the pictures.I have no training in anything and do not have anyone local that I can meet. I have no recommendations because I have not yet met anyone to wrestle. I am now at university in essex. I am not able to host but can travel within reason to meet men who can host and wrestle me.




Olympisch / Griechisch-Römisch Olympisch / Griechisch-Römisch
Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Sumo Sumo
Judo Judo

Abonnenten von sixonthebin

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