Admin's blog
Statistics Update
I have made a small update to the statistics page: it now treats states in the USA and Canadian provinces as one country (previous California and New York appeared as separate entries in the top countries list). I also added a new column showing each countries contribution to the site.
Here are the statistics as of the 23rd of May, 2012:
Top Countries
Donations by Country
There are some interesting things there that give me a new insight into the site's demographics:
- Almost 2/3 of our members are from Europe.
- There's a grand total of 14 members from Africa.
- Previously I had thought UK had the largest membership. Turns out with all the states combined, the USA is even bigger. Of course, the 1000+ guys there are spread across a continent. All in all, America accounts for 1/4 of the site's members.
- The UK guys are twice as generous as their USA friends.
- Italians are a frugal bunch. :P
That's it for today...
Loter (42)
01.5.2014 14:29Nello schema alla pagina "Chi ha lottato con chi" devo dire che fatto in questa maniera è poco chiara la cosa. dovrebbero farla in maniera differente magari dove hai la possibilità di selezionare un lottatore e quindi il computer evidenzia zoomma sull'interessato da cui partolo le linee verso gli avversari con cui si ha lottato. Tutti gli altri dovrebbero risultare semitrasparenti visto che lo sfondo è nero. immagino che l'archivio degli incontri possa essere enorme e ingestibile ma effettivamente così serve a poco