Admin's blog
Farewell Messages from the Far Side
So when someone wants to leave the site, they have the opportunity to send a farewell message explaining why they are leaving. It is not multiple-choice, just a flat text field where one can type what's on their mind.
Usually it is left empty, or one of a few common things (relationship, injury, age, etc.). Other times it is something helpful, tips on how the site could be improved, or a warm thank you for services rendered. (You're welcome.)
However, sometimes it is something truly bizarre, an unfiltered look into the noise that is going on in the person's head. I feel bad hoarding these gems, and now collected some for your enjoyment!
This site is sinful towards my God, my Lord and Savior.
I must move on from this site for the better interests of my Lord :)
Ah yes, must be the 11th commendment, "Thou shalt not wrestle". You see, that was written on the back side of those stone tablets, so scholars missed it for millennia..
I thought that this time I was free to make a success of meetfighters – and actually meet some fighters! Wrong. My wife doesn't control me as such but once again she has discovered that I rejoined. I thought I had covered my tracks well – but I haven't. I am afraid that this is one ultimation she means, and she controls the purse strings too. : ( Please forgive my cancellation The worse thing about it is that I don't even have my "conjugal rights" with her. The whole thing is ridiculous and unfair. I can only end by saying sorry again.
Ridiculous is right. Buddy, next time I'm in the market I'll buy you a spine.
I don't want this site to be on my computer anymore for my own personal reasons.
Good thing the site is not on your computer! That would really suck for the rest of us. It is on mine, in a nice server park, with good people to take care of it!
I am just going to sign off for now may get on later. Thanks..
No! Stop! You are mistaking "Log off" button for the "Delete Registration" button! .... Oh shit it's too late now.
I want to serve the lotd
The lotd will appreciate that.
Made a big mistake and got caught
I hope it didn't cost you much more than your MeetFighters membership, my friend!
Ew pew pewpewpew
Brattattata bang bang the snowman is dead!
there was a video i wanted to watch so i made a login then i saw that i had to upload a video and i was like fuck no bitch then i went to the guys profile and he had a youtube link to the whole video anyways so i was like fuck yeah bitch so bye
This one is my favorite. :)
WrestoBG (49)
10.1.2016 17:43The first one sound as a very legit reason. :) You are the tool of the devil, know that?
SileX (219)
13.1.2016 10:23(In Antwort dazu)
So is the Internet and electricity.
Ironbull (96)
13.1.2016 21:32"And I was like fuck no bitch" I think I just found my epitaph
Spruceman (55)
16.1.2016 20:51Equally bizarre would be a compendium of far-out reasons why someone is turned down in response to a request for a match, or for a repeat match/encounter. Not with names of the person who turned one down to protect his privacy; but I reckon we'd see some real doozies – I've had a few really weird ones over the years and right up to the past week.. Maybe have a tally of the most frequent reasons.
24.1.2016 17:53New favorite:
Jorgefighter (247)
23.7.2018 12:12I have lauhghed so hard i have pee on my pants.
BTW what LOTD is? Lord of the Dicks?