
  • 05.11.2011
  • My first wrestle [5]
    Gepostet von nwukcub
    I had my first wrestle to day and discovered a few things. My stamina is rubbish as I can only last a short while before my energy is sapped.
  • 10.10.2011
  • Space for hire
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    I am still trying to find a space to hire so i can get a match, have someone lined up.
  • 10.10.2011
  • Fighting on Wednesday [5]
    Gepostet von MikeJGEG
    Got a fight scheduled for Wednesday, 10/12... wish me luck :)
  • 07.10.2011
  • Fight with Wincent [4]
    Gepostet von slave gladiator
    I would like to fight with Vincent, be your slave straight. I like your gear fight of Vincent and boots too.
  • 20.9.2011
  • Queens Park Wrestlers [4]
    Gepostet von devonwrestler
    During a trip to London back in March this year I managed to get along to Queens Park Wrestlers.
  • 19.9.2011
  • Travel week of Sept 29th - LittleRock, Memphis [2_5]
    Gepostet von rassler 315
    I am traveling through Arkansas to Texas and back to Missouri this week anyone in Little Rock, Texarkana, Memphis area open for a match contact me
  • 16.9.2011
  • New Photo Moderation Rules
    Gepostet von Admin
    The [[news/2011-08-27|poll for what should happen with the "mild" moderation category]] has closed and the votes are in: * '''549 votes''' for leaving
  • 12.9.2011
  • Manchester
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    Hi I have an overnight stay in Manchester on Tuesday 27th September. Anybody wanna meet up?
  • 05.9.2011
  • A busySummer. [0]
    Gepostet von Wrestlertoo
    Its been very full , what with some weeks on my canal boat and others with foreign visitors, I haven't really had time to do much work on the cottage.
  • 04.9.2011
  • 2011-09-04 [4_5]
    Gepostet von stomachpunch
  • 27.8.2011
  • What should happen with the "mild" photo category?
    Gepostet von Admin
    RIGHT '''''Important!
  • 12.8.2011
  • First meeting
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    I had my first meeting last week. I met gedlutte in Manchester, we wrestled and I enjoyed it very much,think there may be more in the future.
  • 04.8.2011
  • Updated the Terms of Service
    Gepostet von Admin
    Dear members, Since our start, the [[Terms|Terms of Service]] has never changed much.
  • 30.7.2011
  • Mobile Version
    Gepostet von Admin
    Dear members, If you own a smart phone or tablet PC, and feel adventurous, please take a moment to try the new [[Tracker/2010-05-01_2|mobile version of our site]]!
  • 30.7.2011
  • Had a blast at Hillside 2011 [5]
    Gepostet von NickZ
    The venerable annual Hillside Wrestling Weekend was last weekend and once again, it did not disappoint.
  • 02.7.2011
  • Olderboxer
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    met him yesterday to have a chat but we are struggling for a venue in and about birmingham.
  • 29.6.2011
  • New things
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    i have only been on the site 2 days and had some good contact already. I have a challenge to box with Basildon boy.
  • 29.6.2011
  • Manchester 5/7
    Gepostet von bogeyedmonk
    I am going to be in Manchester on TUES AND WED 5 & 6 with an overnight stay on the Tuesday, will be near the airport. Anybody nearby?
  • 20.6.2011
  • Heading to Thailand [5]
    Gepostet von grapplemedown
    July 10th heading to Bankkok, Thailand. Planning to stay in Bangkok just a few days, head up to Chiang Mai and then haven't really decided where yet.
  • 19.6.2011
  • Cleaning up the Suggestion Box
    Gepostet von Admin
    I have managed to fix a bunch of entries from the [[Tracker|Suggestion Box]] this week: * [[Tracker/2011-06-09|Wrestling Gear in "Interests"]]: You