NEW: Warrior: A Fightery's Odyssey - CHAPTER 5

warhorse573 (0)

27.1.2014 02:53

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  • NOW: Buy the COMPLETE first year of Bronco's fights in the online book Warrior: A Fighter's Odyssey - First Blood AND the college erotic combat novel A Rite of Passage - Book 1: Recruitment at a STEEP DISCOUNT on! *

Warrior: A Fighter’s Odyssey Chapter 5: Challenging Chulo By [email protected]

Summary: ** WARNING: SPOILERS FOR PREVIOUS CHAPTER 4 BELOW ** Bronco’s future in the fight game looks bleak after the doors to money and prestige slammed shut after running in to a little wall of muscle and guts named Chulo. Having been beaten at an exhibition bout in front of the five most important fight organizers in the region, Bronco needs a path back from being little more than hired muscle. Luckily, the Boss knows what to do: Track Chulo down, have Bronco call him out, then film the fight. Only this is one fight the young Texas brawler has to win. Working with a complex formula of dice rolls to keep the outcome honest and fresh, will Bronco redeem himself and win a rematch or will Chulo prove once and for all that he’s the alpha in this rivalry?


“You sure he’s in there?” the Boss asks the man – one of the underground fight organizers who watched Chulo’s beat down of Bronco a month earlier.

“He always works out here every afternoon,” the organizer says. “He’ll be out any minute – relax. He’ll have his boys with him, though.”

“I think he’ll fight mano-a-mano when he sees it’s Bronco,” the Boss says.

“Maybe, but it won’t be an official fight,” the man says. “Not like last time. Your boy cost me a lot of money in bets.”

“Money you’re getting back for helping set this up,” says the Boss, who turns and looks in the back seat of the man’s luxury SUV. “You ready, kid?” Bronco puts down the hand weights, pulls off his wife beater T-shirt and wipes his dripping face and heaving chest with it.

“Yeah – looking forward to it,” Bronco says. “Can I snuff him?”

The Boss snorts.

“Every time you ask that, you get your ass handed to you,” he says. “Just beat him, and hard. We won’t recoup any losses until you fight him officially again.”

From across the street, the door to the gym opens and two young thugs hold it open for Chulo as he stalks out in his baggy shorts, sneakers and an unbuttoned multi-color shirt showing off his muscular stomach and chest, covered in gold chains.

The Boss grabs a still camera and camcorder and opens the SUV’s door.

“Lets go,” he says.

Bronco and the two men exit the truck and begin walking across the street toward Chulo and his two thugs, who look over at the three and stop, tensing. The Boss raises a hand.

“Easy, boys,” he says. “This is just between Bronco and Chulo.”

Bronco – shirtless and also wearing jean shorts and sneakers – nods toward an alley.

“Get in the alley, Chulo, so I can kick your butt,” Bronco snarls. Chulo snorts.

“Like last time, punk?” Chulo says, pulling off his shirt and handing it to one of his boys. “I’m not holding back this time, unless your daddy here interferes to save your butt.”

Bronco enters the filth-strewn alley, followed by Chulo and the Boss, who lifts his camcorder and begins filming. The fight organizer stops Chulo’s boys at the alley’s entrance.

The Boss films the two fighters as they turn to face each other, stretching out their muscles and limbs.

“You ready, Bronco?” the Boss asks. Bronco cracks his neck and nods, glaring at Chulo.

“Yeah,” he says.

“You ready Chulo?” asks the Boss. Chulo rapidly fires off a flurry of fists, then nods.

“FIGHT!” the Boss shouts.

Chulo and Bronco raise their fists, then begin bobbing on the balls of their feet and slowly begin circling, closing the distance between them.

“Kick his butt again, Chulo!” shouts one of the thugs.

“You can do it, Bronco!” the Boss shouts.

“Your ass is mine gringo, just like last time!” Chulo says in accented English as he circles Bronco. Chulo fakes to the left and immediately fires a right hook to Bronco’s jaw.

The fake works as Chulo's fist snaps Bronco's head to the side, but Bronco is in full revenge mode as he instantly moves in and fires a right-left combo to the Mexican fighter's eyes.

Chulo's head snaps hard with both punches He shakes his head and nods with a smirk, then fakes right and moves to the left with a hook to Bronco's head and a left knee up into his ribs.

Bronco, ready for a fake, blocks the hook but takes a solid hit from Chulo's knee as it bounces hard off his rib cage. Bronco charges forward a step and sends a right fist flying toward Chulo's left eye.

Chulo's head snaps again but he’s tough and has been in nasty fights before. He keeps Bronco close and drives a headbutt into Bronco's nose.

Bronco takes almost the full brunt of the headbutt, his head snapping upwards and his feet stumbling back a few steps. He shakes his head clear as two trickles of blood begin roll down from his nostrils. "Damn…" the Boss says softly, still filiming. Bronco's jaw sets in anger and he moves forward, firing a right uppercut at Chulo’s nose. The punch misses as Chulo steps to the side, shifting his body as he feels the air from the punch pass his head. He brings his right arm around and sends another cross into Bronco's eye.

Bronco's head snaps in a spray of sweat, but the Texan fighter instantly responds with a rushing headbutt to Chulo's nose.

Chulo's head snaps back and up as sweat rains down from his body. He shoves Bronco hard in the chest to push him into the wall of the alley and then sends a right cross to his eye.

Bronco's back slams into the brick of the alley's wall as he tries to move with the right cross that still connects with a solid thud. Blood from Bronco's nostrils spatter on pecs as he lurches forward and clamps a left fist in Chulo's hair and fires a right fist into Chulo's nose.

Chulo's head snaps brutally but he tries to bully Bronco with the same blow, grabbing Bronco's head and sending a right cross into his left eye.

Bronco tries to move with the punch but it thuds into its target. Still clamping the Mexican fighter's hair, Bronco twists his upper body to the left, raising his right arm to chest level, then snaps back, firing his right elbow at Chulo's nose.

Chulo brings his arm up and deflects the elbow, but it still hits him in the side of the head. He grabs Bronco by the neck, but before he can act, Bronco sends his elbow flying back to the left and again toward Chulo's nose.

Chulo's head snaps but he doesn't back off as he holds Bronco to the wall and drives his knee up toward Bronco's ribs.

Bronco's body is rocked by the knee attack to his reddening ribs. The Texas fighter tries a reversal, snapping Chulo's head around so he backs the wall while sending a right uppercut to the Mexican fighter's abs to drive him against it.

Chulo grunts as the uppercut connects to his hard ribcage. He brings his arms up and uses both to shove Bronco back as explosively as he can. He sends a right cross to Bronco's head as he creates separation and moves off the wall.

Bronco's hold on Chulo's hair is broken as he's shoved back. Bronco moves with the cross but still gets his head snapped as blood from his nose spatters across Chulo's glistening chest.

Bronco glares at the Latino. "I'm gettin' tired of you, punk!" Bronco snarls, then charges forward, sending his right fist flying toward the Mexican's nose as if he were launching a football. Chulo's head snaps as sweat flies off his body. He steps forward off the wall and clamps ahold of Bronco’s shoulder, then drives a knee into Bronco’s abs.

Sweat sprays off Bronco's body as the knee slams deep into his muscled stomach, forcing the teen to begin to double up and sending his chin bouncing off Chulo's shoulder.

"C'mon, Bronc - turn it on!" growls the Boss.

Bronco clamps both hands on Chulo's shoulders and rears his head back, then smashes a headbutt hard into the bridge of Chulo’s nose.

Chulo's head is rocked backward as blood explodes from his nostrils and onto his chest. He slumps into Bronco, clinching with him as blood drips down the Texas teen's back.

"Yeah!" shouts the Boss, as the fight organizer begins to clap and Chulo's thugs shake their heads. Bronco smirks, then slams Chulo against the ally's brick wall, pining him there before delivering another headbutt to the bloodied fighter's nose.

Chulo gets slammed back into the wall and his head pinned as the headbutt causes more blood to spatter from his nose. He grabs a hold of Bronco again and clinches with him, their pec – slick with sweat and blood – sliding and grinding against each other as Chulo brings another knee up into Bronco's ribs.

Bronco grunts as his reddened ribs are again struck. The muscled bodies of the two teens strain against each other as Bronco clamps his right hand under Chulo's crotch and his left hand around the Mexican fighter's neck and attempts to lift him up off his feet.

Chulo grunts as he’s lifted partially off his feet, but he begins to twist, forcing Bronco to drop him. Chulo drops down onto one knee. Chulo puts his hand between Bronco's legs and grab his arm, standing up and body slamming Bronco down onto nearby trash cans.

Chulo's boys cheer as Bronco crashes into the metal cans back first, crushing two and sending others rolling. He scrambles to get up from the oil and dirt and launches himself into a tackle, his arms wrapped around Chulo's muscled stomach and slamming him hard into the wall.

Bronco rises up and, turning back to the camera, flashes a surprised smile, failing to see Chulo pushing off the wall. Bronco turns back only to get solidly punched in the left eye, sweat spraying. The Boss shakes his head - and the camera - as Bronco blinks in surprise, then flushes red in anger and sends his bloody fists flying in a right-left combo into Chulo's eyes.

Chulo gets straightened up as the punches connect to his head, first snapping it one way and then another. He stumbles and clinches with Bronco, wrapping his arms around him. He ties Bronco up, their chests grinding as he sends his foot flying across Bronco’s ankles in an attempt to knock his legs out from under him. Chulo's feet thud into Bronco's ankles, but the Mexican fighter is too weakened to do more than send the young Texan stumbling one step to the side.

Bronco turns his right fist so his knuckles are facing Chulo, then raises his right arm high before stepping forward and sending his right elbow flying down and smashing into the Latino teen's nose.

Chulo again slumps into Bronco, clinching, as his nose spatters blood down Bronco’s back. He tries to fire a knee into Bronco’s stomach, but the Texas fighter easily deflects the knee attack with his own.

Bronco, with an evil grin, snarls: "Don't think so, punk!" then shoves Chulo back and instantly fires a right uppercut into the Mexican fighter's nose.

Chulo's head snaps hard and he is thrown backward into the wall, his head slamming off the brick with moderate force and opening a cut as he slides down the wall and onto butt.

"YEAH!" Bronco shouts, raising his fists and pumping them in the air. The fight organizer leans in to the Boss: "I'll get the truck," he says, walking out of the alley. One of Chulo's boys also runs off. Bronco nods and continues to pump his fists, then sees the camera and begins to flex his sweat and blood-slickened muscles. The Boss smiles, still recording the scene.

"Anything you want to tell the rest of the fight organizers now that you and Chulo are tied 1 and 1, Bronc?"

Bronco stops a moment, then points at the camera with one hand and to Chulo with the other. "I'm ready to face Chulo – or any other fighter - any time, anywhere, any place under any conditions. I've EARNED it today!" Bronco turns to Chulo. "And this is what you started doin’ to me when I went down, punk!” Bronco runs forward and sends a soccer kick to Chulo's rib cage.

Chulo's body is rocked hard, his eyes glassy and his face bloodied. He curls up on the ground, covering his stomach with his arms. Bronco laughs.

"Ha! Not so macho now, are you punk?!" Bronco rears his foot back and sends a kick across Chulo’s face, opening a deep cut across his cheek and flipping him over onto his stomach, knocked out cold.

Bronco smirks and again rears his foot back when one of Chulo's boys shouts: "You made your point, man!" Bronco twists his torso back so he can glare out at the alley’s entrance. He sees the thug and the fight organizer, who stands by the open door of his SUV.

"What did you say to me, punk?!" Bronco snarls as he moves forward, muscles tensed.

"He's right," says the Boss as police sirens can be heard in the distance. "He called the cops to keep you from going too far. Let's go."

Bronco walks slowly past the waiting thug, glaring, then bares his teeth and lurches at the teen who rears back. The Boss snorts in amusement. "Come on, mad dog - get your ass in the back of the truck."

The crime boss begins to climb in and says, "Yeah - and stay down in case we pass the cops."

Bronco climbs in and lies face down on the seat, lifting his head long enough to see the Chulo, draped between his two thugs as they drag him to a car. The Boss lowers his window and shouts out: "Take him to a hospital!"

The fight organizer, in the driver’s seat, drive’s the SUV down the street. "I'll circulate this tape to the other organizers,” he says. “I’m sure it’ll help set up some better paying matches, not to mention a grudge match between those two.”

The Boss smiles and nods, then turns back to Bronco still lying flat on the back seat. "Nice job today, kid. You proved you could own him."

The organizer nods. "Yeah - I had my doubts after he owned you in that last fight, but you showed you could take him today."

Bronco fidgets nervously. "Um... I'm getting blood and sweat all over your seat back here..." he says.

The fight organizer smiles and snorts. "That's fine since it's all Chulo's!" he says, as police cars speed past.

“Cool,” Bronco says, rolling on to his back and looking out the back seat window.

- END -

FIND OUT what happens in Bronco and Chulo's FINAL grudge match! See CHAPTER 6 of Warrior: A Fighter's Odyssey on! Please let me know what you think of this chapter on this site, or on, or at: [email protected]. Um die Galerie zu sehen, logge dich bitte ein.

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