Personally, I've learned not to overthink it. I'm generally a pretty peace=loving kind of guy and I've learned that gutpunching is all about the physical sensation and has little, if anything, to do with hidden aggression or anger. It's just damn fun!
Totalmente de acuerdo. En mi caso, ni soy violento, al contrario, una persona totalmente pacífica, que no mataría a una mosca. A mi siempre me gustó recibir en el estómago. Y en plan interrogatorio, tipo peli gang. Haciendo el papel de victima, con súplicas, y con aire de sumisión. Pero realmente, no soy nada sumiso en mi verdadera personalidad, al contrario, siempre me gusta controlar la situación en mi vida real....
pero el sólo pensamiento de un golpeador, que disfruta con lascivia, de hundir su puño en mi blando estómago, me pone a mil. El sentir ese puño en mi estómago, la reacción del "ufggggggggg", como me inclino hacia adelante, con mis manos en el estómago, con la boca abierta, boqueando sin respiración....
Es todo ese conjunto metido en un pack, lo que dispara mí libido
For me, it's aggression turned inwards. Otherwise I'm the most non-aggressive person I know. Even my wife is more aggressive than me. I like it when I see a puncher's absolute lust for sinking their fist into my gut. I guess it's a vicarious way to experience the testosterone driven aggression while being dominated at the same time. When I think about it, it almost feels like cheating - to feel both aggression and surrender simultaneously.
I am pretty much the same. In my case, i also have the tendency to take control of my life. But in a gutpunching session i prefer to have little or no control. As you said, it’s a balance in our lives.
Yes indeed. That apt word "unexplainable" stopped bugging me when I stopped trying to explain it, even to myself. My spiritual side tells me "it is what it is", it's perfectly fine and even more, HIGHLY enjoyable. I'm sure, like me, you would never "inflict" it on anyone else who did not share the interest. As for what anyone else would think about it, that's on them.
Thank you for sharing this and many happy abdominal encounters to you!
I'm curious if there are other guys out there like me, where on one hand, you have this unexplainable gutpunching fetish, which some outsiders might consider dark, aggressive, or even violent, and yet your basic personality (away from the fetish) is the opposite, and is more laid-back and easy going – maybe even "gentle." That's me to a tee. In fact, I love nature, animals, quietness and spiritual things. Yet, I still have this aggressive side. I'm certain that if my friends and loved one knew of this fetish, they would be shocked because it seems so unlike the person they know. My theory is that perhaps this paradox is the universe's way of ensuring balance in our lives? I don't know. Can any of you relate to this?
If I have written this before, I apologize. My memory isn't what it used to be.
I look at it from two perhaps intersecting perspectives. First, I am (secretly, and for good reason) appalled at the fact that I like to think about, write about, read about, talk about, and/or watch the infliction of pain on another human being, particularly if I am the one doing the inflicting, even if only in fantasy. (Unless maybe the other person is my opposite number in the sense that he *wants* to have pain inflicted, but I guess that's another post.) Many, if not most, people, would probably think, "Huh. That's weird. What's for lunch today?" But of course it goes further than "I like to"; I am personally repulsed by the fact that I derive sexual pleasure from the situations I've described. Yet I can't stay away from it. (I believe more than a few of you might share this thought: Until they invented the Internet, I thought I was the only one who had this fetish. And I was even more surprised to learn that there are people who like/derive sexual please from getting punched.) I have never been able to tell anyone about this, excepy for those anonymous people who share the kink (e.g., many or all of you reading this). I have never even been able to tell any of my therapists, and I sometimes entertain the fantasy that if I could tell my therapist, perhaps magically all, most, or I'd-settle-for-many of my problems – i.e., those that have caused me to seek therapy – would go away. I know that's not realistic, and even if I thought it was, I don't know if I could bring myself to discuss it with someone other than fellow GP fans. Even knowing the fact that doctor-patient confidentiality exists and is taken seriously, I couldn't do it.
The second part is relatively brief. OK, I like to watch people being hurt and would like to participate in the process if the opportunity presented itself. But why is it so specific? Why is a punch in the gut more of a turn-on than a punch in the eye (which isn't a turn-on *at all*)? or a punch in the face? Even within that preference there are preferences. Some gutpunchers like the punchee to be shirtless; others don't care about that. Some gutpunchers love to punch the navel or navel area (and some punchees love to take punches in the navel area); others focus on the area well below the navel. Still others (*raises hand*) prefer the solar plexus as the target. Why? And speaking of preferences (or, in this case, nonpreferences), why do videos of self-punching do nothing for me? Why does the punchee have to be standing up? A scene of a guy getting gutpunched while lying down also does nothing for me.
All of these are, of course, rhetorical questions. I am happy to have discovered this community, and the larger community of GP fans, so I have at least *some* outlet for my feelings and fantasies, and the opportunity to commiserate with like-minded people.
If you've read this far, thank you. I'm hoping that even expressing all of this in writing may provide some benefit. Best wishes to you all.
I certainly read this message and I respond to you with great emotion, believe me, because it seems that I wrote it in my own hand, in all the questions and I repeat all the questions you asked yourself, even the fact of talking about it with a therapist, something I have never done. fact also the fact of being in awe respects this fantasy before the Internet also the fact of the difference that arises in front of the abdominal wall therefore the stomach the belly and everything else.... Not to mention the fact that I am a damned person peaceful and yet the idea of sinking a fist in the middle of a man's stomach and holding the fist inside the stomach for sea seconds, as well as receiving the same treatment to my stomach, drives me crazy.... it's incredible it seems that I wrote it.
I see it almost exactly like you, because I see myself in almost everything you say. The only word I'm not sure about is the word aggression. Since ours is a fetish, I don't think we can talk about aggression otherwise for us it would be just as bad to give or receive a punch in the stomach as it would be to give or receive a kick in the legs. I think it's simply a fetish linked to the pleasure of feeling our fists sinking into another man's stomach or feeling another man's fist sinking into our stomach. Undoubtedly the punch, whether given in the stomach or elsewhere, is a gesture of aggression there is no doubt about this, but the fact that it is linked precisely to the stomach or in any case to the abdominal wall, and not in other parts of the body, in my opinion ensures that all this is not linked to aggression, but to a fetishism linked for some strange reason to the abdominal wall. Of course, this is just my opinion, after all I'm certainly not a psychologist.
Brete, me siento totalmente identificado con lo que compartiste respecto a este "unexplainable gutpunching fetish".
Doy gracias al mundo virtual por habernos dado la posibilidad de encontrar "any of you relate to this?".
Somos "hermanos de tripas ".
En la sección 'Testimonios'; escribí más en extenso sobre este aspecto de nuestra vida.
It is similar for me, even though I’m the one getting punched. Usually I am very straight forward guy, strong and independent and never let anyone be on top of me. But sometimes I just enjoy being tied up on the floor under the guy, having no sense of defense or control on my body. The guy just kicking me and punching me, trampling and jumping on my belly, and I just forced to take it. For some reason it’s very hot for me
I can totally relate. I think it’s all just Jungian shadow. Our light side is friendly, inclusive and approachable, but our shadow side likes winner/loser thinking, power dynamics and bullying (either giving or receiving). Accepting and integrating the shadow brings relief to the heart. A GP session is one way of acknowledging the shadow and trying to integrate it.
This is a most interesting and candid comment. I sure can relate to it. I wish I had gone out for football in high school. Wrestling didn't exist as a sport. Thanks for posting your insight.
You say aggressive side as if its a bad thing. In fact, it part of all of us, and that part that helps us survive – and equally important – move forward. Without it, we'd all still be cowering in caves popping our heads out occasionally like meerkats.
Comparto totalmente: "la AGRESIVIDAD" es un impulso importante en nuestra vida y para nuestro desarrollo personal.
Un texto en español del psicólogo Juan Pablo BERRA que se titula:
"SÍ a la AGRESIVIDAD; NO a la VIOLENCIA"; lo muestra claramente.
hardpunch (20)
01.12.2023 05:54Personally, I've learned not to overthink it. I'm generally a pretty peace=loving kind of guy and I've learned that gutpunching is all about the physical sensation and has little, if anything, to do with hidden aggression or anger. It's just damn fun!
jed7720 (13)
09.2.2024 19:24(In Antwort dazu)
Well put! Its a pain and submission thing.
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
08.2.2024 10:28(In Antwort dazu)
Totalmente de acuerdo. En mi caso, ni soy violento, al contrario, una persona totalmente pacífica, que no mataría a una mosca. A mi siempre me gustó recibir en el estómago. Y en plan interrogatorio, tipo peli gang. Haciendo el papel de victima, con súplicas, y con aire de sumisión. Pero realmente, no soy nada sumiso en mi verdadera personalidad, al contrario, siempre me gusta controlar la situación en mi vida real....
pero el sólo pensamiento de un golpeador, que disfruta con lascivia, de hundir su puño en mi blando estómago, me pone a mil. El sentir ese puño en mi estómago, la reacción del "ufggggggggg", como me inclino hacia adelante, con mis manos en el estómago, con la boca abierta, boqueando sin respiración....
Es todo ese conjunto metido en un pack, lo que dispara mí libido
stomachpunch (5)
08.2.2024 15:17(In Antwort dazu)
This message of yours made me hard....
Luctator (3)
08.2.2024 22:15(In Antwort dazu)
Likewise man
Stomach Gutpunch (1)
08.2.2024 20:02(In Antwort dazu)
Me lo creo, porque te conozco bién!!!!
stomachpunch (5)
08.2.2024 22:30(In Antwort dazu)
😅😅😅😅😅😅 i know you know me...
slimp (0)
01.12.2023 04:46For me, it's aggression turned inwards. Otherwise I'm the most non-aggressive person I know. Even my wife is more aggressive than me. I like it when I see a puncher's absolute lust for sinking their fist into my gut. I guess it's a vicarious way to experience the testosterone driven aggression while being dominated at the same time. When I think about it, it almost feels like cheating - to feel both aggression and surrender simultaneously.
sajroc71 (0)
01.12.2023 01:37OMG for sure. For years I was in parish ministry FFS. I am friendly, respectful, sometimes even timid. But THIS - is something different!
Jcanthony (13 )
30.11.2023 07:52I am pretty much the same. In my case, i also have the tendency to take control of my life. But in a gutpunching session i prefer to have little or no control. As you said, it’s a balance in our lives.
milner51 (1)
29.11.2023 23:26Yes indeed. That apt word "unexplainable" stopped bugging me when I stopped trying to explain it, even to myself. My spiritual side tells me "it is what it is", it's perfectly fine and even more, HIGHLY enjoyable. I'm sure, like me, you would never "inflict" it on anyone else who did not share the interest. As for what anyone else would think about it, that's on them.
Thank you for sharing this and many happy abdominal encounters to you!
marquis419 (0)
29.11.2023 22:12I can definitely relate to this. In fact, I probably could have written it.
Gutboxer (48)
30.11.2023 15:51(In Antwort dazu)
Yes the same for Me…Ditto!
Brett364 (1)
29.11.2023 20:45I'm curious if there are other guys out there like me, where on one hand, you have this unexplainable gutpunching fetish, which some outsiders might consider dark, aggressive, or even violent, and yet your basic personality (away from the fetish) is the opposite, and is more laid-back and easy going – maybe even "gentle." That's me to a tee. In fact, I love nature, animals, quietness and spiritual things. Yet, I still have this aggressive side. I'm certain that if my friends and loved one knew of this fetish, they would be shocked because it seems so unlike the person they know. My theory is that perhaps this paradox is the universe's way of ensuring balance in our lives? I don't know. Can any of you relate to this?
marquis419 (0)
08.2.2024 17:14(In Antwort dazu)
If I have written this before, I apologize. My memory isn't what it used to be.
I look at it from two perhaps intersecting perspectives. First, I am (secretly, and for good reason) appalled at the fact that I like to think about, write about, read about, talk about, and/or watch the infliction of pain on another human being, particularly if I am the one doing the inflicting, even if only in fantasy. (Unless maybe the other person is my opposite number in the sense that he *wants* to have pain inflicted, but I guess that's another post.) Many, if not most, people, would probably think, "Huh. That's weird. What's for lunch today?" But of course it goes further than "I like to"; I am personally repulsed by the fact that I derive sexual pleasure from the situations I've described. Yet I can't stay away from it. (I believe more than a few of you might share this thought: Until they invented the Internet, I thought I was the only one who had this fetish. And I was even more surprised to learn that there are people who like/derive sexual please from getting punched.) I have never been able to tell anyone about this, excepy for those anonymous people who share the kink (e.g., many or all of you reading this). I have never even been able to tell any of my therapists, and I sometimes entertain the fantasy that if I could tell my therapist, perhaps magically all, most, or I'd-settle-for-many of my problems – i.e., those that have caused me to seek therapy – would go away. I know that's not realistic, and even if I thought it was, I don't know if I could bring myself to discuss it with someone other than fellow GP fans. Even knowing the fact that doctor-patient confidentiality exists and is taken seriously, I couldn't do it.
The second part is relatively brief. OK, I like to watch people being hurt and would like to participate in the process if the opportunity presented itself. But why is it so specific? Why is a punch in the gut more of a turn-on than a punch in the eye (which isn't a turn-on *at all*)? or a punch in the face? Even within that preference there are preferences. Some gutpunchers like the punchee to be shirtless; others don't care about that. Some gutpunchers love to punch the navel or navel area (and some punchees love to take punches in the navel area); others focus on the area well below the navel. Still others (*raises hand*) prefer the solar plexus as the target. Why? And speaking of preferences (or, in this case, nonpreferences), why do videos of self-punching do nothing for me? Why does the punchee have to be standing up? A scene of a guy getting gutpunched while lying down also does nothing for me.
All of these are, of course, rhetorical questions. I am happy to have discovered this community, and the larger community of GP fans, so I have at least *some* outlet for my feelings and fantasies, and the opportunity to commiserate with like-minded people.
If you've read this far, thank you. I'm hoping that even expressing all of this in writing may provide some benefit. Best wishes to you all.
stomachpunch (5)
08.2.2024 18:21(In Antwort dazu)
I certainly read this message and I respond to you with great emotion, believe me, because it seems that I wrote it in my own hand, in all the questions and I repeat all the questions you asked yourself, even the fact of talking about it with a therapist, something I have never done. fact also the fact of being in awe respects this fantasy before the Internet also the fact of the difference that arises in front of the abdominal wall therefore the stomach the belly and everything else.... Not to mention the fact that I am a damned person peaceful and yet the idea of sinking a fist in the middle of a man's stomach and holding the fist inside the stomach for sea seconds, as well as receiving the same treatment to my stomach, drives me crazy.... it's incredible it seems that I wrote it.
stomachpunch (5)
08.2.2024 07:52(In Antwort dazu)
I see it almost exactly like you, because I see myself in almost everything you say. The only word I'm not sure about is the word aggression. Since ours is a fetish, I don't think we can talk about aggression otherwise for us it would be just as bad to give or receive a punch in the stomach as it would be to give or receive a kick in the legs. I think it's simply a fetish linked to the pleasure of feeling our fists sinking into another man's stomach or feeling another man's fist sinking into our stomach. Undoubtedly the punch, whether given in the stomach or elsewhere, is a gesture of aggression there is no doubt about this, but the fact that it is linked precisely to the stomach or in any case to the abdominal wall, and not in other parts of the body, in my opinion ensures that all this is not linked to aggression, but to a fetishism linked for some strange reason to the abdominal wall. Of course, this is just my opinion, after all I'm certainly not a psychologist.
Roberto MDZ (0)
07.2.2024 20:05(In Antwort dazu)
Brete, me siento totalmente identificado con lo que compartiste respecto a este "unexplainable gutpunching fetish".
Doy gracias al mundo virtual por habernos dado la posibilidad de encontrar "any of you relate to this?".
Somos "hermanos de tripas ".
En la sección 'Testimonios'; escribí más en extenso sobre este aspecto de nuestra vida.
rockerboa22 (0)
01.12.2023 16:53(In Antwort dazu)
It is similar for me, even though I’m the one getting punched. Usually I am very straight forward guy, strong and independent and never let anyone be on top of me. But sometimes I just enjoy being tied up on the floor under the guy, having no sense of defense or control on my body. The guy just kicking me and punching me, trampling and jumping on my belly, and I just forced to take it. For some reason it’s very hot for me
PierreDef (3)
30.11.2023 13:55(In Antwort dazu)
I can totally relate. I think it’s all just Jungian shadow. Our light side is friendly, inclusive and approachable, but our shadow side likes winner/loser thinking, power dynamics and bullying (either giving or receiving). Accepting and integrating the shadow brings relief to the heart. A GP session is one way of acknowledging the shadow and trying to integrate it.
Dennis (1)
30.11.2023 13:40(In Antwort dazu)
Totally agree. Have read where pro wrestlers and mma fighters have same personality.
NorthwestGPer (2)
30.11.2023 08:56(In Antwort dazu)
This is a most interesting and candid comment. I sure can relate to it. I wish I had gone out for football in high school. Wrestling didn't exist as a sport. Thanks for posting your insight.
Stmbt797 (2)
30.11.2023 06:04(In Antwort dazu)
Same brotha . . same
Juggernaut (0)
30.11.2023 05:41(In Antwort dazu)
You say aggressive side as if its a bad thing. In fact, it part of all of us, and that part that helps us survive – and equally important – move forward. Without it, we'd all still be cowering in caves popping our heads out occasionally like meerkats.
Roberto MDZ (0)
09.2.2024 19:06(In Antwort dazu)
Comparto totalmente: "la AGRESIVIDAD" es un impulso importante en nuestra vida y para nuestro desarrollo personal.
Un texto en español del psicólogo Juan Pablo BERRA que se titula:
"SÍ a la AGRESIVIDAD; NO a la VIOLENCIA"; lo muestra claramente.