
User seit 15.4 Jahre
Alter 56
Größe 185 cm
Gewicht 88 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit Pro Trunks, pro gear
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login heute
Letztes Update 19.8.2024
  1. Vereinigte Staaten - Missouri, Ferguson
    Just north of St. Louis airport.

Ich bin bereit, 30 Meilen zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


Former working pro wrestler, and enjoy doing pro fantasy with like minded guys. Major squash fan in particular, though not limited to that if chemistry is good. Happy to work with all levels, my training means I know how to play safely with all types. Not interested in submission or competitive "promission" - pro is a cooperative event, not a competitive one. With the right chemistry though, I don't mind a little minor "roughhousing" fun as well. But if you're not into pro, no need to hit me up. Looking for wrestling fun, not just a sex hookup. Though if chemistry is good, mutual release can be enjoyable too.

Also enjoy cyber squashes. I particularly enjoy being a jobber in cyber and being descriptive in my selling. Looking for heels who have some imagination in their writing and not just "I pick you up and bodyslam you" sentences. If you can't write cohesive English sentences when you contact me, I probably won't respond.




Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Match-Struktur: Give and Take, Squash Match, Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Zwei gegen einen, Ich mag Cyberwrestling

Stand-up Fighting: Nicht an Stand-up Fighting interessiert

Sonstige Interessen: Freundschaft, Beziehung, Ich bin ein Jobber

Fetische: Wichsen, Bauchboxen, Nippelspiel, Muskelkult

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