MeetFighters News
2019 Summer Update
It's been a while since our last update, but that doesn't mean that our team of code warriors were resting! No! They were fighting hard to bring you even more stuff to help you find your perfect matches!
Brand New Chat
Our good old Kiwi chat has long been wrestling with your online needs, occasionally getting knocked out by your relentless attacks. But now there is a new contender in town: we are introducing our new Beta Chat!The goal was to fix some of the pain point of the previous chat and bring a better, more modern experience. You can connect simultaneously from all your devices, seamlessly switching between the small screen of your phone to your tablet or computer. The chat will retain your rooms and private conversations, even if your connection drops or your browser dies on you. It is our hope that it can keep you going even on a limited internet connection.
Better site integration lets you share your pictures, use your webcam and add favorites directly. (Blocking and reporting members is just as easy, if you must.) You can configure the font size and your color to your liking, and share our new Fightmojis in your private conversations or rooms.
Speaking of rooms, you can easily create as many of those as you like. Your rooms can be public and open to anyone, or invitation only. Your rooms and private conversations remain alive even if you leave the chat and come back within a day!
For improved privacy, other members can no longer see your internet connection details.
- Click here to try the new chat.
- Click here to provide feedback.
- We plan to finish beta testing and fully go live in 30 days.
New Privacy Settings, and Terms of Service update
Even fighters need their privacy. To help you give your stalkers that much needed punch in the gut, we present you with some new privacy controls.
On the Preferences page, you can now suppress any or all of the login, birthday and profile update notifications that your fans are getting.
We have also taken new measures to combat online stalking. Blocking someone will hide all your activity from their sight. This includes your online status, your presence in search results and any past opponent lists and recommendations.
To further protect your privacy, events that happened in the past are now hidden from profile pages. (You can still review event participation on the individual event pages.)
Furthermore, unregistered site visitors will not see your online presence anymore. As previously, you can choose to restrict your profile page from unregistered visitors, including search engines such as Google.
Additionally, there are some minor changes to our Terms of Service:
- §1 explicitly mentions that members must 18 years or older. This was previously only covered on our registration page.
- §2 has been clarified to state that hate speech and racism are forbidden in all public and private interactions on the site.
- §3 clarifies what is and isn't covered by our civil code of conduct.
Please review the first three articles of the Terms of Service page for yourself. Your continued use of the site is, as usual, taken as your implicit agreement. If you disagree with the changes, you can terminate your account at any time.
Translators, Supporter and Donors
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Talented Team of Translators and Super Squad of Site Supporters! Without your efforts, none of the localized editions of MeetFighters would be possible. As always, we are eternally* grateful to our Devoted Donors.Speaking of which, if you are Talented in Thai, Proficient in Polish, Incredible in Italian or Skilled in Swedish, please apply here to become a translator. New languages are also very welcome: get in touch with us and we will make it happen.
And now happy fighting, and may the better warrior win, like that guy on the right, pictured below.
olderguy (12)
09.8.2019 09:38Thank you for all the efforts ;)
Ricotewrestler (252 )
09.8.2019 09:52Thanks for everything you do !
youngjobber (21)
09.8.2019 09:54Good stuff! Well done guys
matchest (18 )
09.8.2019 10:01Let’s go .. thanks fellas
MuscleSportAZ (60)
09.8.2019 10:03Thanks for making this site the best there is hands down. Your efforts to continually add enhancements, improvements do not go unnoticed. Thanks for all you do for all of us. Five thumbs up!!
Bear Combat Warrior (10 )
09.8.2019 10:18Well done everyone.
Thanks for your outstanding efforts.
ukwrestler (133 )
09.8.2019 10:44Thanks for the update and the additional features!
joeytheslayer (41 )
09.8.2019 11:25Why is it everytime I try to donate I get the message. “ we are not accepting donations at this time”?
Petee (0)
09.8.2019 12:17Thanks for doing a great Job on this site..
Tigerrific (129)
09.8.2019 12:49Thanks for all the work and dedication. Great job!
Gladiador gym (10)
09.8.2019 13:34Thank for the job!!!!
Fightfriends (0)
09.8.2019 13:39Ok good joob
SubmissionMSCL (113)
09.8.2019 13:40GREAT work as always Guys.....Very much appreciated!
Neomon (26)
09.8.2019 13:42Good work on the chat systems.
liketowrestle (120)
09.8.2019 13:58Fantastic site and great job working on it!
Dynamo (150)
09.8.2019 14:11Thank you for everything you do
rruffwrtlr64 (0)
09.8.2019 14:12Why does this come up when I try to renew my DONATION, NOT taking donations at this time !!! And why can't I use a regular credit cards to renew my DONATION !!! I DO NOT have a pay pal account . This seems , like I am being discriminated against because I do not have a PAY PAL account !!!!
law306 (82 )
09.8.2019 14:29Excellent work, thank you for making this the best fight site!
active (0)
09.8.2019 14:44Thank you fella’s
Zeus (15)
09.8.2019 15:18Thanks for the great job guys!!! Keep fighting hard! 💪🏼
bayridgefighter (3 )
09.8.2019 15:20Thanks for all you do folks. I've introduced at least three became members preferring meetfighters over the other websites. They. realize the extensive work you put into this site so they joined. Keep up the good work.. please tell us is there going to be a possibility in the near future to download videos of other members members videos? All the best to you all George
Wrestle123 (64 )
09.8.2019 15:51That's awesome. keep up the good work for an amazing site
SeattleFight (509)
09.8.2019 16:04Well done you! Thanks for all your hard work to make this an excellent and customer-focused site.
Kusthipatu (9 )
09.8.2019 16:15Thanks for the good work
pinningmuscle (0)
09.8.2019 16:30It’s great to know you guys are constantly looking for ways to improve the site and maintain the privacy of your members. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the great work. You’re the best.
Jimmy Elijah (76)
09.8.2019 16:38This is awesome! Can the photo review get this kind of love too?
King Alpha (0)
11.8.2019 21:39(In Antwort dazu)
Agreed, I’d like that
Boxe (5)
09.8.2019 16:42Is great to know you're putting a lot of effort in the site but take a time to breath.
rock20087 (93 )
09.8.2019 17:14Your excellent efforts are appreciated. Keep up the great work.
09.8.2019 17:23Thanks all for the nice words! :)
King Alpha (0)
09.8.2019 20:42(In Antwort dazu)
Keep up the phenomenal work on this incredible site :) you guys work your asses off day after day making sure we all continue to support the site and keep it going. I’m more than happy to support you guys whenever and appreciate the work y’all put into it. Thanks again :)
damon (57)
09.8.2019 17:30Thanks for the detailed explanation and all the great work. Did you hide the no-show reports? I just looked on my profile and can't find those reports. Meaning that I probably can't see if someone for example as no opponents and 10 no shows. That was always a big help
09.8.2019 17:48(In Antwort dazu)
Hahah, Ups...
setting a flag. i.e. 'no-show' is automatically blocking the member too.
As described above, blocked members can't see the recommendations/flags anymore.
What unfortunately included your own flags...
You should still be able to see 'no-shows' posted form other members, as long as you have not blocked them.
Will be fixed in the next days, sorry.
Thanks for reporting that!
I will make sure our testing department makes 100 push-ups extra today!
damon (57)
09.8.2019 17:56(In Antwort dazu)
Thanks for the super quick response. I think it's a kinda loophole, I mean I don't care about seeing the info of the guys I marked, but I still want to remember that I marked them (and how many) and vice versa
sportart (5)
09.8.2019 18:50Thanks for maintaining–and improving the site. Keeps getting better.
wrestler251 (7 )
09.8.2019 18:50thanks for everything
Kolter (11)
09.8.2019 18:59Thank you very. I appreciate and enjoy your site.
JayPuncher (12)
09.8.2019 19:21Once again you've proven that this is the best fight site on the internet! Thanks for the hard work and dedication to us fighters around the world...
AnimeBoxer (0 )
09.8.2019 20:06thanks so much for your hard work!!!!
aprendizXal (13)
09.8.2019 20:16Thank u, this website is the best on it type. Everybody have a great fight!
Legman77 (9)
09.8.2019 20:17Thank you for all your hard work an effort. It will be greatly appreciated.
Julian Chang (142 )
09.8.2019 21:56Was wondering if those changes were in the pipeline. Good job admin team!
tokugawa (0)
09.8.2019 22:03Your impressive efforts are greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
Takushitsu (10 )
09.8.2019 22:40Thank you so much for all you do! :D
rochrasl (3 )
10.8.2019 00:12Awesome...
Jorgeler (10 )
10.8.2019 05:08Gracias! muy amables muchachos
launce (0)
10.8.2019 21:46Thank you so much for your attention to ALL those things! It is greatly appreciated!
Cromo (4 )
11.8.2019 05:14Excelente trabajo!!! Mil gracias y muchas felicidades!!!
LA Stocky Wrestler (18)
11.8.2019 20:30Dear Admin. I have an issue with the following.
We have also taken new measures to combat online stalking. Blocking someone will hide all your activity from their sight. This includes your online status, your presence in search results and any past opponent lists and recommendations.
I make my decisions on who to fight based on if they have any of my blocked opponents in their Past Opponent's list. Usually those I have blocked have blocked me as well, so they don't show up anymore in Past Opponents. Any way to relist them in past opponents so I can make a proper decision?
Thank you for considering the relisting of these blocked members.
11.8.2019 21:19(In Antwort dazu)
I understand your point, but I'm afraid, that can't be done.
Blocking always blocks in both ways. Otherwise, the system could be abused for stalking, and not preventing it.
If you decide to block someone, you will no longer be able to follow his activity. Same for him.
LA Stocky Wrestler (18)
12.8.2019 02:07(In Antwort dazu)
I understand that blocking blocks both ways. I just think you should not exclude anybody from Past Opponents. The people on a person's Past Opponent's List helps us decipher if we want a match with someone or not, especially if they've wrestled someone we've had an issue with, we can then decide not to challenge this person. I think the less the info, the worse in this case for trying to find a proper match.
Thanks again.
Julian Chang (142 )
13.8.2019 03:49(In Antwort dazu)
I'm confused by the point though. Even on these comments I can see people who I have blocked. I cannot click through for additional information, but I can see that they contributed. I don't think it makes sense to remove the person from past opponents unless we are going with the fully nuclear option of wiping every trace of the person off the site for myself if I block them.
active (0)
12.8.2019 07:58This site really had to be given the vibrant look it has now to keep up with other onternet sites.
you are and have made a big difference to what was a tired looking site. a good site none the less, but now it catches your eye when entering and that has to be a good thing. also the time it has taken you all to update your privacy rules must of taking many hours trying to work out how to keep it's users and everyone's information even more secure.
it is very much appreciated the time and many hours of effort you all put into this site.
once again thank you......
chrissieboy (0)
13.8.2019 20:55Hello Team
I wanted to say a huge thank you for all the hard work and effort you put in to allowing us to communicate with other like minded guys.
You all a superb team.
With Thanks
LeatherWrestlerUS (1)
16.8.2019 09:14Wonderful site. Thanks so much!!!