MeetFighters News
New Message Page is Up
Hello Fighters,
Our new Messenger page is up. We hope it will help you go through your messages more comfortably. It should also be a bit faster than the old mail page.
We continue our commitment to bring you the best fighting site we can.
Best regards,
The MeetFighters team.
StrikeFighter (82 )
12.9.2020 13:19I love it! :)
StrikeFighter (82 )
12.9.2020 13:40In fact I want to fight the postman. What's his profile name?
Mister D (29)
12.9.2020 14:58My only negative is the indicator that someone you have messaged is online could be more prominent. Not just the small green symbol to the side of the profile pic. Maybe move the green symbol to the right hand side of the screen. Just a nic pic though.
mochablk (21)
12.9.2020 17:07looks good..
rassler (4)
12.9.2020 17:52WHY do you have to keep changing stuff! The message section was very fine and clear, now it's a mess...
kenwrestle (3)
12.9.2020 22:13(In Antwort dazu)
I think it’s a mess it was good why change things that work
BigNY (36)
12.9.2020 18:06Not going to lie, the new messaging on mobile is a absolute mess, please go back to the old one! 😣
chicagowrestbox (24 )
12.9.2020 18:57I typically like the changes you make but I think the old messaging system was clearer and easier.
Friendly Heel (30)
12.9.2020 19:19Think it’s brilliant and very helpful.
Works fine on my iPhone 7plus.
Thanks guys great improvement as far as I’m concerned.
ChicagoWrestleguy (22)
12.9.2020 22:25Love the site, but the messaging changes reduce usability, not enhance it. The avatar or whatever is a super large waste of space and the message selection on the left side scroll is 1/4 of the overall width of the design space. Just really bad design.
wrestlingforfun (93)
12.9.2020 22:27Don't like it, less easy and clear than the former one
Jorgefighter (247)
13.9.2020 01:39I dont really like it, neither. Less visibility. Sorry.
LA Stocky Wrestler (18)
13.9.2020 08:21The Delete All button seems to be gone? I liked that feature.
munichsubfight (185)
13.9.2020 08:24Unfortunately it feels out-of-place because it seems to be in "pemanent mobile/small screen" mode.
I.e.: The site menu on the left is no longer visible!
Thought it was missing entirely, but only now did I by chance notice that I can scroll up to find the burger menu to display that site menu.
Nice on small screens, but the old layout did the same on small screens yet provided the site menu all the time when you use a big screen.
Please stay consistent here and please do not forget about big screens!
I always praised meetfighters as one of the few websites doing it right by being equally very well usable on small mobile screens with touch screen interface and big desktop screens with mouse interface at the same time!
This feels like a step away from that "best for both worlds" approach and towards a mobile-only paradigma that already killed another site with a blue theme.
I do not see any advantage of the new design over the old one, neither in provided functionality nor in the design of the presentation.
PS: The postman is cool and nice!
LA Stocky Wrestler (18)
13.9.2020 08:33Ok. After using it ten minutes, I don’t like it at all. I’m sorry.
Lugi (136)
13.9.2020 10:20Unlike in some comments I could read, I appreciate that the website tries new enhancements, and changes stuff, and we can also give our opinions. I will try to be more constructive than just giving a negative feedback.
I don't like the new implementation, on mobile there might be some responsiveness issues with the header not appearing (or not as easy) as it could be. The filter as a drop-down menu option mixed with an outbox button option are confusing in terms of user experience.
However, I think I understand the given direction. A more modern messenger-like sounds interesting. One suggestion could be to distinguish better notifications and messages and propose a different behavior. E.g: the new implementation reveals how strange it is to have an unreplied message from a favorite which is not a real message but a change notification.
pndfighter (121 )
13.9.2020 12:01Bit of feedback:
+ it responds faster!
+ it makes it easier to switch between different messaging histories
+ the ratio of avatar - name - subject - read/unread looks good
- it looks optimised for mobile (hides certain frames on PC and makes it difficult to navigate)
- the Heading (Outbox, Starred, "Show") looks out of place
- it still lacks a usable search function
- 2 scroll bars for one page don't look nice, but I have no idea how that could be solved (maybe via "see more" button, or a page based option)
passermontanus (27)
13.9.2020 15:01It was a bit confusing at first, but now I like it. Easier to navigate between different message threads (at least on PC).
Okay, one minute after I wrote the comment above, it got a bit broken on PC.
Iceman3 (28)
13.9.2020 17:47Really don’t like it I’m afraid. It’s more awkward; the old one was fine
mcic (169)
13.9.2020 18:25Most of the recent changes have been great. I’m not sold on this one. A simple fix would be to adjust the shape of the text bubble. It gets cut off on the boarder making it seem like something is missing.
FunWrestler94 (18)
13.9.2020 20:58I appreciate that the website tries new enhancements. But this change makes the whole messaging system so unclear and confusing. It's okayish on mobile devices, but on desktop PCs it's horrible tbh. Please change it back or create an option that we can switch to the previous design.
Changes just for the sake of changing something are usually not a good idea.
Basildon Bloke (15)
13.9.2020 23:08I really appreciate all that goes into making this website as good as it is, and I know it sometimes takes us time to adjust to the new/updated features, but I'm really not liking this change. But would still like to say thank you for your continued hard work and looking to improve the site.
Yan (7)
14.9.2020 00:22This is one of the best sites ... but WHAT have you done to the messages. It's awfull. When I go to the messages I get a facefull of something from a 1990s video game with squeezed down one side message briefs illuminated with 'not replied' notices which I dont need and are just a visual nusence. I don't reply to most of my messegers because they don't need replies, I can't use it to check whoes on line WITH details of our last comunications, and now you wiped them out. It is awfull, what are you doing, did you float this to people. The old system was fine, why have you changed it? PLEASE PLEASE abandom this idiotic design and go back to what was a neat, easy to use, handy reference system of display.
scottimike (26)
17.9.2020 13:58(In Antwort dazu)
Tend to agree , as many have said , can a site be over managed ? seems so .
redlandguy (199)
14.9.2020 04:51I want to like the change (and the postman is cute) but...
1) It doesn’t seem optimized for either mobile or desktop; it’s kind of clunky either way.
2) it took away the view of threads I haven’t been on for awhile; in my case I leave threads dormant until I know I am visiting somewhere and then reply to someone I haven’t spoken to in a while
3) it didn’t give the user anything useful in exchange for losing easy access to old messages.
The one thing that needed a fix was the mobile chat experience, which has me losing connection every time I use a tab other than chat.
A lot of us use the site less (or differently at least) post covid and for once frequent travelers like me, it’s harder to keep in touch with people I hope to see when things are normal again.
HudsonOH (36)
14.9.2020 06:24It wasn't broken; now it is broken. The obscuring in viewing previous and current messages is not welcome. The layout is awkward.
darkwin369 (12)
14.9.2020 08:14The new interface looks good
The only problem I see that more and more each section of meetfighters gets its own web layout and so this homepage tends to loose its uniform look and feel. This can couse trouble for some users...
Btw: Less is often more. I know all those fantastic css / jave script frameworks have many crazy visual effects. but are they really necessary to improve the clarity of this site?
Beccause raitings just offers the "I hate it" /and "I love it" state I just can write my rating here... "Its OK"
bbee59 (2)
14.9.2020 08:18It's very confusing and unresponsive on my older android phone. Sorry, thumbs down 👎.
oldscrapperderby (163)
14.9.2020 10:45The old system was far better.
Tanker (207)
14.9.2020 15:08If it is faster that's welcome.
But otherwise the advantages of the new system are not obvious to me.
redlandguy (199)
14.9.2020 15:13Also, SEARCH messages is gone, in mobile view at least. So now I don’t have an easy way to find messages I’m looking for. I really hope you roll this change back
eaturwheaties (12)
14.9.2020 15:23Not a fan
Very unclear on mobile. Havent even tried on desktop
KinksterTom (84 )
14.9.2020 17:27Unfortunately this last update is not working well for me at all. Using Android 10 - Chrome, the new messaging interface is really user unfriendly for me. I wish you could switch back.
Nonetheless, I'm a big fan and longtime donating member, you are doing great job most of the time! 😉💪
Ironbull (96)
14.9.2020 18:42Prefer the old one by far
gardenboy (18)
14.9.2020 18:52I can not understand why you "fixed" something that DID NOT need it. Very disappointed in this new format,and must reasses my desire to continue with it. Very unfriendly to users,and I did nothing but praise this site to my friends, don't think I can do that anymore.
Chris Flashman (33 )
14.9.2020 19:26Always grateful for the hard work you guys do here but gee, this is awful. It's not intuitive at all. It seems like you have a solution that's looking for a problem. And that problem wasn't the old Messages. Please bring it back!
Ironbull (96)
14.9.2020 19:46I think some of the negative comments are a bit harsh. Including my own. It's a nice thought and constant innovation has to be welcomed. But the old version did work really well and I'm sorry to see it go
WeeJimmie (38)
14.9.2020 22:10I miss the search function. Sometimes I recall a conversation but can't remember who it was with. Old age? Or maybe just symptomatic of someone who spends FAR too much time on meetfighters.
Previous messaging system was definitely better.
edscissors (30 )
14.9.2020 23:37This is a wonderful site and notable for the hard work Admin puts in updating and refreshing features. On this occasion, however, I am sorry to have to say that I agree with the majority of comments above: I, too, am struggling to find the new style of messaging an improvement.
I've tried hard to like the new format: often with updates it's just a question of taking a day or two to get used to something a bit different and unaccustomed. Thank you, Admin, for all you do ... but on this occasion I don't think the change works: the "look" is cluttered and unclear. Sorry!
twisterman (41 )
15.9.2020 13:09When I first saw the change I thought the website had a problem., then I slowly realized this was an "upgrade". The new layout is clunky and does not translate well for mobile users. I did not like it on day one... and after using it for a few days I dislike it even more.
Mortner (0)
15.9.2020 16:19Nothing wrong with the old one. This new one is cumbersome and annoying. Please go back to the old one!!
15.9.2020 21:21Hello,
Thank you for your feedback I do read all the comments in the news and the support page - some are quite loud and harsh.
I realize that some members hate the new system. However, the old one had technical problems as it was running on 10-year-old site code and just glued together - it had to go. (as in the past year's other parts of the site got replaces with modern code)
[I'm not updating this site, because I'm bored and want to annoy you. Even if it works in the foreground, does not mean it is 'good'.]
So in saying that, there is only the way to move forward, going back to the old system will not happen.
The current system is version 1.0.
Do some of you remember version 1.0 of our new chat or even of :)
Even as this is based on your feedback the worst version 1.0 we ever published - there is hope for the new system.
And apart from you are not liking the design I have to say technically it works perfectly, without any interruptions or bugs server and client-side. What means version 1.0 could have been much worse. ;)
Always look at the bright side of life :)
What helps now is constructive feedback, which some of you provided what I'm very grateful for.
If you encounter bugs, or if you are a professional user interface designer, please contact us. :)
Best regards,
redlandguy (199)
15.9.2020 21:56(In Antwort dazu)
If there is some way to restore the “search” feature for messages, or to remove the 90 day limit, those two fixes would help.
You could load more recent messages than the 30 and make “see more load a larger number of messages”.
Allowing the download all messages to go beyond the present 500 message limit would help also. Those of us who have been with the site for years have way more history than that!!
twisterman (41 )
16.9.2020 01:03(In Antwort dazu)
Awesome that it works great from a programming perspective but obviously you're not making many fans on the end user side
HudsonOH (36)
16.9.2020 02:36(In Antwort dazu)
Thank you for the explanation about the outdated code. i suspected there might have been a reason for the change in something that many did not think needed changing.
Constructive criticism:
1) do not reduce messages displayed to only conversations in last 90 days. I like to see all conversations in one place. I want to be the person who decides to delete or otherwise make a conversation not visible.
2) reduce the size of the cartoonish icon
3) have the display of all messages as the default view rather than only unread ones. That is what users were used to seeing before and having what they usually see change is likely the source of many of the objections. When I figured out I could manually select "show everything" my biggest objection to the new system was reduced.
4) the permanent unreplied designation is distracting
Yan (7)
16.9.2020 15:34(In Antwort dazu)
Dear Admin,
Perhaps I was a little harsh, but I still don't like it and it's not got better as I get used to it. I understand (in theory) that the code had to be brought into line, but if you could update the code and keep the old format that would be good, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.
Here are some notes that are not about bugs, but bug me:
1) In the old presentation the messages/profile had a check box that allowed me to run down the whole message tree ticking a number of messages and then deleting them all in one click rather than having to do each individually. Is there a similar function on the new, or can one be made? It's handy to be able to delete a bunch of messages in one operation.
2) The 'not replied' notice is really annoying. In the old system an 'unread message' was easily removed just by reading it. Most of my messages don't need replies and there seems to be no way of getting rid of noticeable notification without replying, which in most cases wouldn't be welcome or necessary, perhaps I am missing something. Maybe a checkbox that remove the 'not replied' note in one or all message notifications.
3) Losing messages after 3 months is a bit of a blow. I know I can download the messages but it's not as handy as having it ready to hand, and requires that I remember to do so every so often. Going to someone's profile to check back is only good if I knew who and where they were! I try not to do endless cybering so it's quite possible that I may not chat to someone for months before travelling to their area.
4) Is 'canned' the same as delete? It just seems fiddly.
I hate to be critical (Really!!). Running a site takes up a lot more time and is a lot more work than most people would think. You have created a really great site that looks good, and works well (the front seems to at any rate) and it must be hurtful and disappointing after all your work on the new message system doesn't meet with universal approbation. I thank you for all your hard work, I hope that the suggestions I've given, which only reflect my problem, can be constructive to update version of the message.
LuchaBoy (13)
25.9.2020 23:30(In Antwort dazu)
The new system does seem faster but I still can't get used to it. It doesn't make me want to look at my messages because I don't understand what's going on, and the boxer is really big, I would get rid of him altogether or make him much smaller at least. Thanks for your work though!
Mortner (0)
15.9.2020 21:34The new message center is very cumbersome on mobile devices. In addition, it doesn’t allow for easy switching back and forth, or easy viewing of all messages whether on a mobile or a laptop.
john el (15)
15.9.2020 21:39Attempt at constructive feedback - overall I do not like the change
Note - I use it in a web browser, not a phone. Windows tablet or computer.
IT does have a "new and modern" look.
It has a sort of disjointed feel, like it's a different section to the rest of the site - I go into email and cannot see the rest of the stuff.
I can't see email over 90 days without going to that persons profile. Well, I'm going back 'cause my memory sucks and I forgot who I was talking with! Before I could "load more" and see. I'm a donater and that's 1 of the things I like about donating.
Now there's a separate scrollbar for the email and the webpage. Doesnt work that well for me. This was on the tablet.
If I read a message, and don't reply it keeps the bright, purple "unreplied" icon. Might be usefull if I forgot to reply, but if their last message was "Bye". This also occurs for notifications.
maturewrestler51 (12)
16.9.2020 09:16Terrible. Scrap it ASAP.
Tanker (207)
16.9.2020 11:44Is it possible to refine the new system to address the points that have been raised?
Mark uk (293)
16.9.2020 17:55Did someone actually trail this before changing it. It just SUCKS.
john el (15)
16.9.2020 19:16Wow, "it sucks" is probably a good way to suck the passion of someone that does something out of passion to lose that.
I wonder how you all would respond if someone told you your worked sucked.
I see 2 issues:
A new format that many don't like.
Loss of some functions that we previously had.
For the first, it seems there is programmatic issues behind the structural change that cannot be reversed, but can maybe be tweaked? I can certainly see not wanting to reverse all the work done for this. But maybe the format can be tweaked, the side menus added and folks will also get used to it.
If this if the first of an ongoing change that will be more integrated, perhaps it might help folks to have that announcement
And perhaps for the function loss, those can be added back at you move forward?
leanmachine (2)
16.9.2020 23:14sorry - I am not a fan - liked the old way better
Gentle (4 )
17.9.2020 13:23I have a verdict for MF's new messaging system:
Crap! Nuff said.
ChiFight (6)
18.9.2020 20:58Most of the updates to the site have been good, especially the chat room, but I don't really like this one. The last version was like any email page, crisp, clean, easy to manage, straight to the point, no clutter or unnecessary space. Just fine.
This new version seems to be trying too hard to be Facebook messenger. Why does the little boxer guy and empty space need to take up more than 2/3 of the screen? Could't that space be used for something like a longer glimpse of the opening line?
Why did we lose the ability to delete a message without needing to click on it as if it was read? If I was ignoring someone who has been hounding me, showing them their messages aren't even being read was a useful feature.
Shifting between the entire list, the unread and unreplied is useful, by why do outbox and starred messages get more prominent buttons, while general "inbox" (considered the default in most systems) doesn't? I'd rarely look at an outbox before at all, and never used starred messages. The visual prominence of the options, seems completely opposite to their priority of use.
I know you put a lot of work into things and over all its appreciated, but I'd say if it ain't broke, don't fix it and this site is it's own entity, it doesn't need to mimic what all the big social media sites do.
If there is one change to the site I would like to see, that would be very easy and enhance the experience of all users, it would be unlimited blocks for all users. It would massively cut down on arguments, stalking, harassment... and the ability to have unlimited blocks to avoid stalking and harassment is something all other sites seem to have for the benefit of all uses. This is the only one I can think of where you get a small default amount and need to pay to get more.
munichsubfight (185)
18.9.2020 23:56I´ll try to phrase some constructive idea :
Is the speedup and other benefits of the new codebase intrinsically coupled to cramming two different tasks into one page?
When we have one page showing one message thread with all those messages and a separate page showing the list of all (or all unread or all unreplied or all starred or...) messagesas a list of those message threads, that would solve several problematic points:
- it would leave more space for the visual ""site framework", most importantly the menu o the left on big screens
- it would get rid of the scrollbars-within-scrollbars problem because there is only one content instead of two concurrent contents: either a list of message threads or a list of messages belonging to one selected thread
- it would feel closer to the old used-to-and-deemed-good way of presenting message information
It does not technically have to be a separate page, but it should feel visually like a separate page for the two different tasks:
- list my message threads ("Which users have written to me?" etc...)
- display one message thread with one user
RickWrestlerFL (14)
19.9.2020 06:08I can't say that I like the new message page. Reasons: it's slower, it defaults to unread only and I liked the old format that showed all my message history, it has no left side menu that lets me quickly get back to the New Stuff page.
That being said I'm a huge fan of this site. It's well done, well maintained, so much better than ANYTHING else on the web for those seeking wrestling. This is really the first time I've had a complaint, but just wanted to add my voice.
Thanks for all you do!
TBLHockeyGeek (85 )
20.9.2020 15:38The new messing is fine however I do miss the "beta; (though it worked perfectly fine) search function. It was helpful for finding old reccs that you posted on folks that deleted and then came back to MF or for finding old conversations.
quadi1 (181)
20.9.2020 18:42Even though I love this website and will continue that in the future: This update is pretty bad.
For me, the message system has been great before and I don't see any good reason to change it. In fact, this new system has some serious problems:
- It is very clumsy. Even though I've opened the message already, it still says I've got the same amount of message which is annoying.
- It takes so much longer now to attach pics into messages. In the old one I had one click basically, now I have to search through the albums and scroll through every pic which is annoying
- In general, the system is slower than before despite some users saying differently
- You can't see whether someone has opened a message already or not on first sight.
All in all, even though the admin has already said that a return is not possible for some reason, I really hope good elements from the previous system will be implemented somehow into the new system. I will use mf either way but if changes are pretty much all negative imo, something seems to be off.
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
20.9.2020 20:55What annoyed me the most was the boxing character. I am glad i can hide it with adGuard extension, though.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
21.9.2020 03:24At first it just looked like change for the sake of change. But since it was a necessary change I can deal with it. It took a while to get used to. I got used to new facebook. Now I'm used to this.
Ryan Durango (98)
23.9.2020 00:28My honest feedback is that I don't like it. It's not so bad that I can't use it but I can't really find a way in which I'd call it an improvement either.
munichsubfight (185)
25.9.2020 05:01Seems like we had a little update that deserves (hopefully more) welcoming comments:-)
Thank you very much for bringing back the site menu to the messenger page!
It makes a big difference:
Now the messenger, while in itself still feeling different than the rest of the site, feels much more integrated, you notice you´re still on meetfighters and not in a completely different place.
If there are any complaints that three columns is too much - and I imagine them coming - please keep considering giving each of the two messenger columns its own page instead of rolling back the addition of the site menu column.
Thank you!
bigchicago (68)
28.9.2020 06:02What was the goal of the new message page? It seems a lot more limited. I find it harder to look at old messages, and I really don’t see any benefit to the change.
Mati95 (19)
28.9.2020 14:02I like it better that way! It was a bit of adjustments at first but on the overall, it adds more flexibility to the messenger page!
Thank you for taking your time to create, develop and live that new feature for us! Whoop 🙌
FunWrestler94 (18)
28.9.2020 18:51Suggestion: Since you can collapse the conversation list by now, it would be awesome if you could expand it. There's just so much wasted space (regular PC) and I see no reason why the message list should be so small.
Jambo07 (17)
01.10.2020 16:10Prefer the previous one. Far easier and clearer.
alpinisto (85)
03.10.2020 10:19I am not quite content with the new look of the Messages page. Because while attached pictures in the former version could have the width of maybe 70% of my computer screen, those pictures are only two inches wide in the new version. You might have a reason for that, but then I will suggest that these small pictures could be clickable so the larger version could be seen, as I know you have them in your system!