MeetFighters News
MeetFighters overhaul
Hello Fighters,
If you are reading this, you may have already noticed the latest site upgrade! The aim was to move MeetFighters into the new age. As a result, the desktop version got a major overhaul, and the mobile version of the site received an even more significant change. - Yes, it looks different! :)
As more and more users shift toward browsing the site from phones, it has become imperative to improve the mobile experience. This update is a step in that direction.
The most notable change is on profile pages.
The updated layout allows you to customize your profile using the new banners. And as thank you to our donating members, they can further customize the banner by choosing a picture from their gallery. New custom controls for the mobile version allow more accessible navigation through the profile, past opponents, pictures, and recommendations without constantly scrolling up and down. In addition, clutter got removed from the profiles with the goal of putting the member's content in the center.
Interest groups
Your Interest Groups were overhauled and sorted by activity. This way you can always see which group is trending. To further improve navigation, we separated the groups from the forums.
The latest update allows you to filter and sort group, so finding the right one for you should be easier.
Other changes
The top of the page uses less space, allowing more actual content to be displayed without scrolling.
The term "Fans" and "Favorite" got renamed to "followers" and "following."
The Settings page got a face lift. It should be much easier to find more obscure features and customize the site to your liking. This includes the new option to customize your banner:
On the "Settings" page, find " Deine Inhalte", and click on:
If you notice something not working, please contact us, so we can fine-tune the layout over the following days.
We hope you enjoy this overhaul.
Thank you for all your support, and stay safe!
Best Regards,
tallgermangrappler (132 )
05.6.2022 22:28Quite disappointing that the number of past opponents has been made so meaningless.
Followers are highlighted, real matches nearly ignored😤
KBlume (7 )
05.6.2022 22:31(In Antwort dazu)
I have to agree. While I like the layout changes overall (will take some time to get used to, but that's fine), I do think a person's past opponents should be highlighted more on the profiles main page. It makes sense that there is a new tab for past opponents, being able to see the number right away was helpful.
MuscleSportAZ (60)
06.6.2022 05:45(In Antwort dazu)
I preferred the previous ‘ at a glance’ listing of past opponents. It was efficient, and easy. If I want more info you can tap the pic. The new version is not an improvement where you have to scroll page after page.
wrestlme37 (23)
06.6.2022 21:21(In Antwort dazu)
I totally agree, the new pages just seem more cumbersome than informational.
Sparrhawk (8)
05.6.2022 23:27(In Antwort dazu)
Great point. Past Opponents are far more important than my "fans." Geesh!
Past opponents is very important when deciding who is serious about meeting and who isn't. Guys with no opponents are generally all talk with no intention of meeting.
MuscleSportAZ (60)
05.6.2022 23:49(In Antwort dazu)
I agree as well. I want to see the past opponents states and recommendations right away when I pull up a profile. The original layout was great. Would like to see that restored.
Overall I do like the new look. But think it needs tweaks.
equipe (11)
06.6.2022 06:55(In Antwort dazu)
je le pense aussi
damon (57)
06.6.2022 08:21(In Antwort dazu)
I can only agree with all of you. Past opponents is maybe the most important factor when I'm checking a profile i don't know. It should be right at the headlines.
I know it's disappointing to get criticized, but this actually matters
GettingbacktoitDC (10)
05.6.2022 22:31Not a fan of the new layout. I think it could be better done. The past opponents should be easier to find, and it's difficult to read in general. It's too narrow and the profiles should go back to taking up more real estate.
Dynamo (150)
05.6.2022 22:40Where are the past opponents? Sincerely I don’t like this new change
Guysmiley (41 )
05.6.2022 22:42Can’t please all the people all the time but thanks for trying.
05.6.2022 22:46Past opponents have their own section now, they are no longer squeezed on the main profile page.
The new Past opponent's section shows more details than ever.
GettingbacktoitDC (10)
05.6.2022 22:50(In Antwort dazu)
Yes, but it should be on the first page. No one really cares about followers. That is really a pointless thing.
tallgermangrappler (132 )
05.6.2022 23:17(In Antwort dazu)
But where do you find that section? Followers and Fans are more prominently featured! And they do not represent real meetings.
tallgermangrappler (132 )
05.6.2022 23:17(In Antwort dazu)
But where do you find that section? Followers and Fans are more prominently featured! And they do not represent real meetings.
Snakee (3)
06.6.2022 05:18(In Antwort dazu)
I can’t even find it
damon (57)
06.6.2022 12:34(In Antwort dazu)
The idea is nice but the way it's done, is totally wrong.
When i look at someone for the first time, i couldn't care less how many followers he has. The only thing that matters, after his pics and stats, is how many fights he had and what people are saying about him. For that purpose, the new design is doing exactly the opposite.
The new cover picture is also not needed. It's not Facebook, the informative approach was so much better.
Sorry, I know it was from good intentions, but something went totally sideways
victor (0)
17.7.2022 00:28(In Antwort dazu)
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
05.6.2022 22:47I have already noticed some layout issues with the mobile template. I hope you can continue working to fix them.
New2this (31)
05.6.2022 22:49I agree it could use some further work but there are some good elements to it. I like the way the pictures are arranged now but the banner seems to take up a lot of space on desktop at the expense of other things like past opponents as others have mentioned. The BMI also seems to be missing which I found useful. Hopefully some more tweaks to come to keep improving it
luttefrance (36)
05.6.2022 22:59Have to agree - really don't care about 'followers': this is mainly a sporting community, not a twitter-wannabee
Lmac3 (1)
05.6.2022 23:01While I'm not necessarily against change, I would have to agree with the other members, as to the new layout. Took me a moment to find past opponents on a members page. The little clenched fist icon isn't that intuitive. A simple "past opponents" tab would have worked nicely. Also, I miss the old chat room format. The new one isn't nearly as user friendly. To end on a positive note, this site is still much better than others out there.
Amateur Fighter (93)
05.6.2022 23:02Past opponents was better before, we could see all at once, now we have to scroll a list
Redmond40 (158)
05.6.2022 23:03Where are the prior opponents. When I am searching I always want to see that and generally not interested if someone has been on the site for more than 6 months without one. Covid excepted. I don’t see the number of priors on my profile. I’m on the mobile version. Will check the laptop versions later. Please advise.
Shadow Knight (76 )
05.6.2022 23:03Thanks for the Dark Mode toggle which was taken from watchfighters (I did suggest that, thanks)
People don’t like change at first but I am sure people will get used to it
👍 from me so far
rowdybear (44 )
05.6.2022 23:08Like all changes, this will take some getting used to. But overall, I like the aesthetic. I agree that the recommendations and past opponents feature should be a bit more prominent. It's the first thing I scan profiles for. I haven't tried it on desktop yet so have no feedback there. Thanks for continuing to invest in our community 💪🏼
rowdybear (44 )
06.6.2022 01:34(In Antwort dazu)
Also - another positive - I like that you can enter the chat room bypassing the previous extra click through the page that listed everyone that's currently logged into the chat. 😊
Hardmatch (98)
06.6.2022 07:04(In Antwort dazu)
It's interesting that you like that. I prefer to see who's on chat without being directly logged on there.
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
05.6.2022 23:09"Favorites and Past Opponents
Review your favorites, followers, and past opponents."
Fans and followers are the same thing? Why not use the same name for them?
ocmuscle (108)
05.6.2022 23:25I have to agree the past opponents tab is the first thing I look at when searching for fighters. Please bring that back more prominently like it used to be.
Ricotewrestler (252 )
05.6.2022 23:35I think the new look is SPECTACULAR , really do, but I think the past opponents list should be highlighted and more visible on the main page of the wrestlers profile . In fact , the way how pictures are displayed could work as a format for past opponents!
But overall:
Loved it!
Sparrhawk (8)
05.6.2022 23:38All my reviews from opponents are gone. Instead it just shows I'm recommended.
06.6.2022 00:05(In Antwort dazu)
No, the number of opponents and recommendations is still accessible without the need to scroll.
Your recommendations review is still there. - It would be crazy of us to delete them.... They even crosslink from your past opponent's list.
Please I appreciate all feedback, but it would help a lot if you can spend a few seconds looking at the page before spending minutes writing a comment about something which is not the case.
That would help me a lot, thanks! I know I replied to you, but this is also true for some of the other comments here :)
bobarmwrestle (0)
16.10.2022 17:03(In Antwort dazu)
It's obvious from all the comments that you just flat got it wrong. You're having trouble admitting that. And you aren't listening to your customers. You're justifying your wrong choice.
wrestlin (77)
05.6.2022 23:41I’ll add the same comments. I think the “followers of” section of the main profile should be previous opponents In the same format. Then you can go to the fist tab for more details. But the “followers of” section is not useful information at all in that spot.
05.6.2022 23:55Turning one page into four pages is the opposite of an upgrade.
Fans are not more relevant than past opponents.
The new layout also takes between 50-100% more space on the main profile page to display the same information.
synxiec (75)
05.6.2022 23:55These changes are pretty cool. The mobile changes will take a bit getting used to with the buttons at the bottom; might be a thing you can just add to the main menu at some point, but the clarity on the interface is very nice and welcomed.
The "Who has seen your profile" page is so much easier to read!
The user profile bar on the top having a refresh/reroll rather than scrollbars was also nice!
grappling hooked (32)
05.6.2022 23:58Echoing the comments about Past Opponents that others have already made.
Also, after I did eventually find the Past Opponents page, I still didn't see the "Mutual Opponents" or "Shared Opponents between You and XXX" section. This was a great feature, and I'd be very disappointed to see it removed entirely. Is it just hiding?
serjjibucks (32 )
05.6.2022 23:59I don't see necesary highlighting fans rather than real opponents plus recomendations. This is Meetfighters not twitter nor facebook.
ikf (24 )
07.6.2022 02:12(In Antwort dazu)
"This is Meetfighters not twitter nor facebook." - yes, I completely agree! Please Admin: stop turning this into a fight-twitter. Many of my favourites I don't actually follow – I do not care about their daily lives, their events, etc. I just treat those as bookmarks, to mark guys for future reference when I am looking to travel for matches. The interaction between users is identical on the surface – but the meaning is different. And the meaning is dictated by the words/labels – that is why words are used, to convey a meaning mutuall understood between parties.
Also, if Meetfighters turns into another twitter of facebook or similar, then I worry old members will dislike it, and new members will think "oh, it's just another twitter/facebook, just not as good... why bother, use the real thing instead". :(
Manc Man (119 )
06.6.2022 00:00How do you delete old pictures and add new ones now?
joeytheslayer (41 )
06.6.2022 00:05Is this a PG rated Twitter? Followers is far less important to me than past opponents. Past opponents are what more people look at when deciding if they want a match not how many people are following them
06.6.2022 00:18About Past opponents - on the desktop version, they are linked on the very top and with one click you see a full detailed list, sorted by opponents which are linked to you. And the opponents are also linked to the recommendations - if they wrote one.
The old layout put the opponents somewhere in the middle of the profile page, you needed to scroll and find them.
I understand that it might be more convenient to 'glue' the followers to the end of the profile, as it was before. But with the dedicated button, it should be much easier to find them - instead of scrolling, you click... And gives more flexibility in the future to add additional sorting buttons.
06.6.2022 01:27(In Antwort dazu)
clearly, YOU missed the point. we all liked it the way it was, or you wouldnt be getting tons of negative comments. you should have left well enough alone.
wstlguy (56)
06.6.2022 07:30(In Antwort dazu)
Thanks for all your time and effort working towards improving the site. Change can always be tough - more for some than for others - and some of the changes may just take a little time to adjust to, and perhaps appreciate.
As you point out the past opponents are right up on top, along with recommendations. The font size / presentation is not as prominent as the numbers were in the prior layout - but that is something that I believe all could get used to after a few days.
I agree that followers are not as important, and they are at the bottom. I believe the comments are based on seeing seven pics for past followers and no pics of past opponents on the main page, but that could be solved by returning the followers to being a list of names instead of pics - if it is really an issue. (It is not an issue for me, though having pics for 7 random followers on the main page is not really providing any real benefit.)
So again, thanks for all your time and effort.
By the way, one thing that I have noticed is there is no link to see the full list of followers on a profile. It looks like the 8th circle would be a link to the rest, but there is no link (at least that I see).
And as a suggestion for something that could be improved (from the prior version too): When clicking the Photos link from the site homepage, and seeing all the posted photos (most recent first), I would like the profile name under each photo to be able to hovered over, to have the same location and other summary info displayed that is displayed when you hover over the pics of the most recent donors and the pics shown at the top of the pages as you navigate the site.
mcic (169)
06.6.2022 13:32(In Antwort dazu)
Not sure where all the negativity about past opponents is coming from. On the desktop version, there is still the number of them right at the top of the page, just over an icon versus the words “Past Opponents”. Instead of jumping you down the page, to the list that you could have scrolled to, it loads a new page with all the past opponents in a search results like page with their location, stats and if they recommended you. On mobile, they are on a banner menu that stays fixed at the bottom of the screen. I would think this would lead to faster page loads and is more information overall. Thanks for the updates,
FLGripper (8 )
06.6.2022 00:28Some really nice new organization!
I like the home page with ONE exception. I like being able to see who is in the room without always having to go into it to find out. That way you can screen chat profiles without actually going in to chat. That option has been eliminated.
FLGripper (8 )
06.6.2022 00:32Where are our private pictures located now?
Pennsypinner (63)
06.6.2022 01:11Where can I find my formerly private pics?
06.6.2022 01:20(In Antwort dazu)
On the "Settings" page, find " Deine Inhalte", and click on:
Deine Fotos und Galerien
youngjobber (21)
06.6.2022 01:19Look forward to exploring the new layout!
nightstranger (55)
06.6.2022 01:20there are some bugs. it used to be an easy scroll through past opponents and now after hitting the tab it looks like the chat list and you have to keep scrolling and scrolling.
BamaJDon41 (10 )
06.6.2022 01:54I don't know what everyone is complaining about. A Past Opponent button appears right below your name at the top of the page. Click on it and Voila! A full page of past opponents! And the recommendations button is right beside the past opponent button. Couldn't be simpler.
DCotter (110 )
06.6.2022 02:06The write-up of these updates is quite ironic. I feel like I have to scroll up and down far more now that these changes have been made and I feel like the mobile experience is now much worse than it was before. My problem is that some of these changes are good and some are bad, but by doing all of these changes all at once, you've created too many usability issues.
Assuming y'all actually listen to your users, here's my (non-comprehensive) list of issues:
-Banners take up so much space that you can't see important info
-The additional click to access past opponents adds too much friction for a common action
-I have yet to even find where favorites are (the fact that there's an additional button click is again, too much friction)
-On mobile, you can't add photos unless you go into settings (previously, you could do it right from the profile)
-By turning the profile info into a table, it takes up far more space and makes it harder to find what you need quickly
Final notes: Is there a way for us to provide feedback on these sorts of changes BEFORE they happen? By performing some level of user research/beta testing, you'd remove all of the negative feedback you're getting.
Thanks for all that you all do and apologies for the criticism, I love this website and all y'all do, but this destruction of every common user path is driving me up a wall and it hasn't even been a full hour.
A software engineer who literally builds mobile apps for a living
MuscleSportAZ (60)
06.6.2022 05:06(In Antwort dazu)
DCotter has made a lot of great points. He obviously has experience when it comes to software. A beta test to a statistical number of members for their feedback would have been a better approach. I echo what others have said regarding the appreciation we have for hosting a great site. But sometimes it’s better to direct improvements to areas that need it not everything at once.
Vpower (17 )
06.6.2022 12:26(In Antwort dazu)
Lots of user Experience (UX) points I read in here that I also agree with!
john el (15)
06.6.2022 19:58(In Antwort dazu)
Agree with this.
But really wanted to comment on his mention of beta/feedback.
Even if a beta program is hard to work out, maybe some screenshots of the proposed new look would help.
Thanks for the work though, sometimes there are these growing pains, but overall you guys do improve this site.
ChrisWrestling (59 )
05.11.2022 01:16(In Antwort dazu)
One thing I will echo to emphasize is I want to be able to find my favorites easier. When I follow/favorite someone it isn't because I find them hot, it's because I want to keep track of them so that if I travel to their area I remember to contact them for a match which is easier than going through a whole locale, reading every profile to remind myself who was interesting to me.
hvywght blk bxr (7)
05.11.2022 13:14(In Antwort dazu)
I know their answer to this one will be that the feature is already there under the Members section. You to click on "your favorites online", then modify search, and unclick the online box. This will show you all of your favorites.
05.11.2022 13:58(In Antwort dazu)
Two other ways to find your favorites is:
You can see your favorites on the map view as well, by using the show filter.
Or under your follower sections:
On the "Settings" page, find " Interagieren", and click on:
Abonnenten und ehemalige Gegner
Überprüfe deine Abonnenten, Fans und ehemaligen Gegner.
hvywght blk bxr (7)
05.11.2022 23:06(In Antwort dazu)
I will say that under the follower section, it just shows the username and the profile picture but doesn't show location which is what the other guy was asking about. And the map, well, the map speaks for itself. Favorites, but just doing profile searches with the map is kind of crazy, especially if the user's location isn't correct.
ChrisWrestling (59 )
06.11.2022 01:40(In Antwort dazu)
Wow, and you really can't see why that's counterintuitive and not exactly helpful?
Sam (203)
06.6.2022 02:38One suggestion: Location should come between Stats and Photos.
liketowrestle (120)
06.6.2022 02:41It's different but all there, easy to navigate on a PC and once you do so the phone app is intuitive, good work on keeping the website up to date with fresh ideas!
Greekwrestler2 (76)
06.6.2022 03:46More steps to get to the important stuff like past opponents, and who. Don’t like it at all, not well thought out. Who cares about banners, and peoples favorite. The previous site was so user friendly and easily visible.
Jerzee guy (57)
06.6.2022 03:55Actually tired of the gossip about what happened with past matches and expecting a scoreboard to get off on. Nobody’s business specially y’all that never been inside a dojo!!! Or even a gym.
I like the dates when pics were downloaded. Glad mine in at least past two to three yrs. Y’all have pics on there decades old.
gutpuncher219 (13 )
06.6.2022 06:05Where is this 'past opponents' section on profiles, and how does one view it? It was a huge effort on your part and thank you for trying to improve the experience. Sadly I prefer the previous layout and functionality, which were far more user friendly in my opinion. Oh well. I guess we'll all have to get used to it
06.6.2022 06:32This is so typical,,, "Lets fix something that isn't broke" Hard to believe you guys messed this up so bad.
slowsubs (139 )
06.6.2022 07:13Man you guys are getting beat up! I happen to like the new layout but have to agree with the others about Followers being so prominent. I dont know if it was there from beginning but I do see now PAST OPPONENTS button right next to PROFILE button at top of profile page. Works for me! Down below you do have FOLLOWERS prominent. None of us who actually use the site to find matches rather than as a public SPANK BANK could care less about Followers. Maybe just replace that with another, more prominent link to PAST OPPONENTS and it will calm everyone down. :)
Thanks for hosting a great site!
Hardmatch (98)
06.6.2022 07:18This is a great site and I look forward to them correcting some of the issues with this upgrade. I don't consider it to be a success so far but they do get things right in the end.
quadi1 (181)
06.6.2022 09:41Is there a way to make it optional whether you want the new or the old layout? I'd definitely take the old one as this new one is messy. The intentions are definitely good but the execution is not. You don't have a quick overview of the past opponents anymore and it has definitely faded into the background. Past opponents and recommendations are the most important information in a profile besides pics and stats.
What I like though is the ratio of positive and negative recommendations on top of the page. That could easily be implemented in the old Layout though
Leanmachineuk (62 )
06.6.2022 11:05For what it's worth, I think the profiles ribbon at the top of the page should be a larger size.
wrstandin (4)
06.6.2022 12:07I can only see the first photo from gallery in the profile. What am I doing wrong?
Amateur Fighter (93)
06.6.2022 13:07Another thing. Here I cannot see anymore the distance between my place and the place of the other Person.
Regarding past opponents and review there were the first thing I saw to. In the new interface if a person has a lot of opponents, it takes a long time to scroll dwon to see all of the. Before we could see it at once .
gmanmke (54 )
06.6.2022 13:33I do agree that the change to the past opponents listing is inconvenient. You now have to scroll through it as if doing research at a library. I know that you endeavor to constantly improve the site, I just don't think that the past opponent portion worked.
06.6.2022 13:48Update:
Taran (0)
08.6.2022 02:56(In Antwort dazu)
"The list with full details of "Who is in chat" can be accessed over the Chat (and a button in the Chat itself "Search Users") "
Clicking on the link to Chat in the upper left brings you straight into the chatroom without going to the "Who's in chat" page first. It appears the difference is a case-sensitive link: (upper case 'C') brings you to the "Who's in chat" page (lower case 'c') brings you directly to the Chat room.
Is there some other page to access the "Who's in chat" page from?
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
06.6.2022 14:09The followers stuff makes more sense for Twitter, but on a personals/dating site like this one, it looks something related to "stalking" and such. I prefer when we used to call it "fans".
06.6.2022 14:26Update:
joeytheslayer (41 )
06.6.2022 14:57Now when I try to look at the pictures it only shows a couple and says “. Blah blah more pictures “. When I click on that it takes me back to the top of the profile
davey123 (68)
06.6.2022 15:09Will see how the changes settle down. Thanks for making the effort guys! At the moment when I click on the See ( + number) More in photos section of any profile, including my own, nothing happens except the display scrolls to the top of the profile. (Using either iPad Pro or iPhone 11) Maybe this is a known glitch, or I’m doing something wrong.
Jobber4fun (4)
06.6.2022 15:18(In Antwort dazu)
I’m having this exact same issue with Chrome and Safari browsers on my iPad. Can’t see the additional pictures, just get scrolled back to the top of the page. Not sure how it is supposed to work.
Jobber4fun (4)
06.6.2022 20:43(In Antwort dazu)
This is now working. Thanks so much team!
Hardmatch (98)
06.6.2022 16:08This is certainly different but we will all get used to it in short order. I must admit I wasn’t a fan when I first saw the changes but I am warming to them now.
I do think the person’s location should be more prominent and should be listed before the pictures, not after.
john el (15)
06.6.2022 16:12I don't care for the banner, too facebooky, I'm fine with it simply being one of your photos.
But not elongated.
The rest I'll have to get try and get used to. Change can be annoying, but end up being good.
06.6.2022 16:18Update:
BearRoma (34 )
06.6.2022 16:48I understand the commitment and the good intentions behind all of this, however I mostly agree with Dcotter and, on the whole, I have the sensation that this "revamp" is not an improvement at all. In terms of suitability.
- First there are some issues still on the mobile version, like davey123 says, when you click on show more (even on your own pics) nothing basically happens. - (OK it's fixed). And, in general, I find the mobile version quite problematic to use.
Second, as somebody mentioned, I don't see any point in splitting what you can see in 1 page into 3-4 more pages.
The way the ex opponents are displayed is everything but comfortable, you have to scroll down the icons and even me, not having a large amount of past matches, find troublesome watching them all.
The followers / following matter: I found this very handy before. Trying to get this webpage adjusted to other platforms criterias, like instagram, unfortunately, lead to the same issues. Checking your own followers it is impossible, so if you don't know who are them is totally useless to display them at all. Your favourites are not even available on your own page, you have to open the administration section. And I agree this shouldn't be (in theory) the core element to be highlighted on a profile, however as my favourites are supposedly the people I interact more, I found quite handy to have them on my page, as a list, at the time I had to write to them.
In general, and I'm not referring only to this webpage, I can't understand this urgency to omologate to other platforms or apps. I mean this recently happened with other webpages, and I don't find interesting having the sensation I'm practically using the same dynamics over and over.
Now, the perception is that everything concerning past opponents, reviews, friend list, has become more similiar to instagram, taking away value to people by downgrading them into numbers and icons as you can barely check properly.
This aspect, like instagram, might have an impact - hopefully I'm wrong - on social interactions, encouraging users just into enhancing ther profile by increasing their own followers no matter who they are and, as a consequence, interact less with people and meet. As well as it's happening already on the mentioned app.
The banner itself doesn't bother me, however it resembles a well known social platform. It didn't occur to you that maybe, sometimes, users are relieved while using something different?
I also agree on the fact that perhaps a Beta or a survey aimed to ask for our opinion beforehand would have led to a better and satisfying result.
On the other hand I really like the new lay out for pictures.
Mikey Aarons (16)
06.6.2022 17:00While I really like the new design overall, past opponents should be something that is prominent on your profile page. I thought it was gone at first. Feels like it’s taken a back seat, even though it’s one of the first things people like to check out when considering arranging a match with someone. I’ve never even paid much attention to the “fans” and “fan of” section.
FLGripper (8 )
06.6.2022 17:20In the chatroom the movement of the profiles (up & down) is a bit frustrating and difficult. Hoping ypou will make that easier like before
AndrewW (4)
06.6.2022 17:35It may just be me but people I am following seems to have disappeared. I can see my followers but not others I have followed.
elcandril (5)
06.6.2022 17:39Habrá que irse acostumbrando. Si fuera nuevo, en la página, diría que es una página genial.
Blue Funnel (13)
06.6.2022 17:59Where this website has always succeeded is in its safety. Past opponents and recommendations may not result in my favourite wrestler being yours as well, but it will alert you if I thought a guy was dangerous or unreliable.
I’m glad to see that since the announcement past opponents has been given the prominence it deserves (I only use mobile not desktop so can’t speak for what is going on there).
I agree with the other comments about followers. I don’t see what the point is or why it is given any shelf space on the main page.
If I had a choice, 60 past opponents and recommendations with no fans. Or no past opponents and 60 fans, the former is my choice. As it tells me more.
ShadowBoxer (15 )
06.6.2022 18:48It is a little buggy on mobile
I cant see complete the notification bar
plus is showing me old notification, like photos that were uploaded days ago.
thats the feedback on my end.
Friskie (7 )
06.6.2022 21:18In my opinion the overhaul is a great succes. All the information about an opponent can easily be found. I really like the added banner that allows members to expres themselves. The mobile version is much prettier as well. Thank you so much Admin!
SonForCoach (0)
06.6.2022 23:07When you click the CHAT link you no longer list who is in the chat by LOCATION! Can you please bring this feature BACK! It's impossible to know in the Chat page where everyone is located unless you click on EACH individual person. That is ridiculous! You use to list everyone by LOCATION which made it MUCH easier for me to pick out who I want to chat with. Please bring that initial page back!!!
06.6.2022 23:32(In Antwort dazu)
the list is still availble and also reachable from inside the chat if you click on "search users".
SonForCoach (0)
06.6.2022 23:51(In Antwort dazu)
TheBaraBaron (3 )
07.6.2022 00:35Generally like the new update but agree that past opponents should be more prominent
abcruiser (3)
07.6.2022 01:59Disappointed in the new changes.
I am unable to locate "members I am following".
Unable to see many "following members" mutliple pics on my mobile device.
ikf (24 )
07.6.2022 02:03Thank you for the lots of work. I like the new profile layout, including the background banner.
I am using the site exclusively on desktop, and would like to have the option to return to single-column lists: single column lists allow you to absorb information by keeping your eyes looking at one spot on the screen while scrolling the list by using the mouse – one continuous, effortless flow with fixed eyes. Multi-column lists however force my eyes to continuously go in a zig-zag ("Z") pattern while looking through the list, which is much more difficult and much slower.
Thank you in advance.
abcruiser (3)
07.6.2022 02:08I cannot see my Following Group.
On my mobile device some profile sites only provide access to the main page and none of their additional photos.
marquis419 (0)
07.6.2022 02:18I don't like it. The main problem is that about 80 percent of the time after I load the site, I can't click on anything, like the round thumbnails at the top or the drop-down arrow to show the menu for logging in. Sometimes I do manage to get logged in and I see that I have messages, but I can't get to them. In all of these instances with happens is that when I hover my cursor over the thumbnail image or the drop-down arrow, the cursor doesn't turn into a hand, meaning there's something there that can be clicked. Sometimes when I manage to log, I can't log out; all I can do is close the browser and try again. Also, I miss the nicely populated row of circular thumbnails along the top of the page. Now there are only like three or four thumbnails.
Noby (199 )
07.6.2022 11:09I like the new modern layout especially on the phone. But I miss the number of past opponents and especially the past opponents shared between me and the profile I am viewing. Would be great to get this information back.
07.6.2022 22:23(In Antwort dazu)
On mobile, the number of PO's is part of the button, and if you open the page it is visualized in a graphic. (progress par)
The shared opponents are still there, but hard to spot I agree.
The PO list is actually sorted by shared opponents first. Then other opponents. But a label would be better to make it more clear.
Now that the new layout is in place, we will redo and add more filter options such as on top of the Chat page, and bring this over to the PO list and other parts of the page.
Another option would be to add different views for the POs and other lists.
But that will take some days or weeks until everything settles down.
WrestleJ2 (14)
07.6.2022 12:58Too many changes too quickly.
SpladlePin (30 )
07.6.2022 14:15Not a fan at ALL -
Past opponents and. Recs are hardly visible-
Fans are highlighted 🥺
Which in my opinion is why I look at someone’s profile-
I want to see past opponents —
I don’t care who is following them-🙄
You have to scroll down to get where someone is located.
Before the changes a members page was quick to look at. You can see easily his past opponent history, Recs, stats and where located—. Boom -
Now it’s like wtf -
Make changes back to what it was - —.
Ironbull (96)
07.6.2022 15:42I like it.
hvywght blk bxr (7)
07.6.2022 17:01Loveing -
the addition of the notification bell for updates to forms and groups instead of reading multiple notification emails.
The profile toolbar at the bottom makes things a little cleaner when trying to sort through and scroll through a person's profile.
Not liking -
Seeing the total distance between you and other members that you were looking at.
The profile pictures being bigger than thumbnails looks odd as it takes longer to scroll through and makes the page look awkward.
The badges with the profile picture is kind of redundant when you have it so close to the actual profile picture.
The banner does make your profile look clunkier in placement to the profile picture
07.6.2022 22:47About beta:
We are not big enough to make a sizeable professional beta.
(we tried it once, and the amount of work to spin up a beta site and the collected feedback were in no relationship to each other.)
You need professional beta testers who take the job seriously. Just inviting everyone is not practical. And for a closed beta, you must be fortunate to get the right people.
And we don't have the funds to pay professional beta testers.
Consider this update the final version or a beta. *shrug* ;) - A website is never done :)
Countless bug fixes and minor adjustments were rolled out in the past 48h.
And one thing is for sure; this was not the last update :)
And if you think we should never change or update, let me remind you on MeetFighters 2012:
You can imagine how well this design would adapt to smartphones ;)
Someone remembers the kiwi chat which crashed all couple of weeks?
*Good* old times - glad they are over. ;)
Thank you for all the feedback, I think we were able to extract the relevant parts for future updates and improvements.
Some of them are already implemented.
celtwrestle (47 )
08.6.2022 09:13On first thoughts reminds me too much of Fetlife format right down to the new Followers and Bell 🔔 button for notifications.
Others mention the downplay of Past Opponent numbers. That’s a pity.
Tanker (207)
08.6.2022 14:44Have given it a couple of days...
it's OK I suppose, but preferred the old -a-glance-format. Not an improvement in my opinion. Your making it less and less accessible. (New members may not realise some options are available). Saying that it is still a better and more user friendly site than many others(Facebook springs to mind). Also I appreciate the good intentions and hard work that go into making these changes. But was there any real need for it ? When I first joined over 10 years ago I thought it was the best thought out and user friendly site ever and you had so many more and better features than Globalfight, my concern is we are moving away from that with each "improvement".
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
09.6.2022 15:00Shared opponents is a must and should be reimplemented. It is a good ice breaker, and a topic of conversation. I'm finding difficult to locate that option.
Also, some headings in the settings page don't make sense once you browse through the different options. Ex.: Followed profiles.
09.6.2022 17:23(In Antwort dazu)
Shared opponents are already highlighted again. please check.
Jango fett (0)
09.6.2022 17:48Well done I like it.
nightstranger (55)
10.6.2022 00:19before you make anymore "upgrades" maybe you could tackle an overhaul of the photo peer review system. Perhaps incorporate AI and ditch subjective phrases like "sexy but not porn" as a classification
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
10.6.2022 03:44(In Antwort dazu)
AI are dumb, and a real nightmare for the grappling scene on social media and video sharing websites.
FLGripper (8 )
10.6.2022 04:38I wish that when you look at a profile and you hover over persons pics you would o back to showing when they were posted. It shows how recent the pics are. Please do that again if you can.
roughouser (14)
15.6.2022 02:14Where do you see the people YOU follow/favourite now? Can't find it anymore.
Hammer (34)
15.6.2022 15:04Really great job on the redesign and making the site more mobile-friendly! It's no small undertaking to accomplish what you've done for this amazing community you've brought together. Keep up the good work!
fsmeets60 (14)
24.6.2022 22:32Why does my app not function instantly,,,,
Must constantly enter my details.... why is iT changed..
Was working perfectly.....NOW duck, duck, duck, G O !
celtwrestle (47 )
26.6.2022 09:48Seems like Meet Fighters is turning into a bank that deals with its donors with baffling AI.
I needed to do verification for the purpose of organising an event. I went to the trouble of getting pics and number uploaded, but it tells me I’m rejected. The AI or whoever is looking at the wrong pic from a previous rejected profile.
The community purpose of this site seems to be in demise. Pity.
And I can’t even address admins on this point so have to rant here.
26.6.2022 12:52(In Antwort dazu)
It is not an AI.
I reviewed your case and your pictures were rejected correctly, with the correct information provided to you.
Please READ the message you receive from the site staff and follow up accordingly.
In case of any questions, you can directly as in your verification support case.
celtwrestle (47 )
26.6.2022 13:28(In Antwort dazu)
As stated, we are now in a corporate hell, AI or not.
SpladlePin (30 )
27.6.2022 18:33*Followers should be at the bottom of page..
*Introduction should be below stats ….
Who cares who’s following someone 🤣
Keep tweaking, you’re almost there 👍🏻
punch (8)
17.8.2022 13:25Is there something wrong with the stock photos for the new banner, they all show the same tiny question mark?
Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)
05.11.2022 19:07I hope in the future we can get a new alternative "dark mode" layout with the blue colors being replaced for shades of yellow, gray and/or white. That would resemble more or less the original site colors, btw. It wouldn't be hard to implement it. Just a few css codes and bob's your uncle.
Tanker (207)
06.11.2022 04:37Haven't been in the chat room for a while.
Recently I popped in, could not make head nor tail of of how to navigate the different rooms or read what was on screen. Was totally baffled. After a few minutes of rapidly increasing frustration I gave up.
Never had that problem before in over 10 years on this site. May not be the most computer literate person, but am not a complete novice etheir.
punch (8)
07.11.2022 11:39is there a way to disable the Interest Groups Daily Digest, or do i have to use "Block this member" on the Notifications sender (and would that work)?
pshawfocus (105 )
04.1.2023 22:09Hey there admin peeps - thanks for the continued work to make this place so user friendly. I have an ask - when using the search feature, is it possible to filter when searching via a map? So enter your specific requirements and then instead of just having a list, you can see where those guys are on a map? I travel a fair amount and whilst it’s easy to locate people based on large well known cities, some members use their town. That means you have to back and forth with Google Maps to determine if they’re anywhere near you. Improving the existing map feature would remove this friction. If it’s already possible to do this and I’ve simply not discovered it - please do let me know :-) Thanks once again. Xx
04.1.2023 23:12(In Antwort dazu)
Do you know our interactive map? (linked in the site footer)
It does not offer the full flexibility of the member search, but it provides some filter options and could help you by playing your travel.
billy8660 (35 )
24.3.2024 02:30How do I turn off when someone else gets a recommendation