the123champ's blog

Str8... yea, not joking!

Get asked a lot why I’m on a “gay” sight looking to wrestle “IF” I’m “really” a straight guy. First and foremost, because I LOVE to wrestle!! There’s something very primal about it and the competitive gratification is unmatched! To take another man and basically force him to acknowledge your superiority is completely intoxicating to me! Yes, I can understand why this is a physical turn-on for a gay man, but for me… think of it as mental high. There has never been and never will be anything sexual before or after with my opponent. Yea, I know I’m pressed so close to another man you could put a sheet of paper between us, but to me that’s just the sport.

Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not just the competition. I also enjoy all the friends I’ve made, because I know it takes mutual respect to wrestle me. I like to think I’m a fun guy to wrestle. Yes, I’m out to win, but I’m also out to have fun, just not in a sexual way. I’m prone to talking some trash in my victim’s ear, “Come on you lil puss, you gonna let a str8 guy school you like this?” and I’ve been known to count “1 – 2 -…” pull him back up and say, “No, no, no… I’m not done working you over, boi!” But make no mistake, IF I wrestle you, it’s because you’ve won my trust. Basically, I’m not going to bash your life choices, and I ask for that same level of respect in return.

Letzte Änderung am 20.3.2017 20:59 von the123champ



untouchable1 (12)

20.3.2017 21:24

This isn't a gay site.
It's a wrestling website, which a lot of gay men are on.
If people are that silly to question your sexuality, maybe they should re read the site.


Vanman (87 )

20.3.2017 22:08

(In Antwort dazu)

I'm also part of the minority on this site that are straight.

Over the last few years I've wrestled loads of men and they have in my mind been just that other men.

Some people though do take a different view, last week someone told me this is a site about a wrestling fetish. That is rubbish.

Thanks for your support of the minority.


the123champ (27)

21.3.2017 01:02

(In Antwort dazu)

I agree! Only reporting what has been said to me.


Spruceman (55)

21.3.2017 02:10

(In Antwort dazu)

One distinct advantage I find about straight guys is that the probability the time spent will actually be spent wrestling is far higher than average. Not that I'm denigrating those other "playful" activities; but finding someone to wrestle me can take weeks, even months. I don't want to waste it on somebody who comes over exclusively to engage in activity which I could garner in an hour's time on various Internet sites.


hephaestion2014 (49)

21.3.2017 02:26

(In Antwort dazu)

It's funny. On this site I tend to not think of gay/straight but more


There'll be those who there's a possibility of maybe an erotic wrestle and those who you can just have a good old undistracted wrestling match with - the later of course includes straight guys plus - shock horror- gay guys who don't do erotic too.

There was a very brief period when due to a budding relationship i was only wrestling and like yourselves was questioned what I was doing on this site.

Don't think of yourselves as straight. Think of yourselves as the sporty wrestlers, you're not such a minority then :)


the123champ (27)

21.3.2017 02:46

(In Antwort dazu)

😆 nice! I appreciate that!


the123champ (27)

22.6.2018 04:46

(In Antwort dazu)

thanks. I'm just reporting what guys have said to me.


the123champ (27)

01.7.2019 03:48

(In Antwort dazu)

Well thank you!!


pinningmuscle (0)

20.3.2017 22:26

I agree. This is a wrestling site and I, like many men, don't need to have the match end up in something sexual.
As long as you are upfront and manage expectations, it's all good!


the123champ (27)

29.11.2017 05:37

(In Antwort dazu)

In that case... BRING IT ON!


Just Dan (8)

29.11.2017 12:55

(In Antwort dazu)

I'd love to 123Champ. One of the Washington DC locals (Spruceman) recently invited me to join him and a new guy who he was introducing to wrestling for essentially the first time. The new guy also identifies himself as straight. The day turned out to be among the most pleasant and memorable ones I've had in months. I think they both enjoyed it a lot as well. I'm looking forward to the next one, perhaps with you.


Welpe (8 )

21.3.2017 01:06

Gooood comment. Thumbsup! :)


the123champ (27)

22.6.2018 04:48

(In Antwort dazu)

thank you very much. I appreciate it.


kenjcc (0)

21.3.2017 04:52

Bi-sexual here. I have done 2 guys at once. Or is that tri-sexual?


Vanman (87 )

21.3.2017 06:25

(In Antwort dazu)

That's verging on tag!


Darksteel (10)

21.3.2017 14:40

Omg there are straight people on this site!?!?!?!? Jk


the123champ (27)

21.3.2017 15:18

(In Antwort dazu)

Lol... well, at least one


Vanman (87 )

21.3.2017 15:22

(In Antwort dazu)

We get everywhere!



Darksteel (10)

21.3.2017 15:36

(In Antwort dazu)


Just be honest about your limits. Your sexuality does not matter. You do not need anyone's approval.

Have fun


JasonFL (23)

21.3.2017 14:54

Aretha was right......



Darksteel (10)

21.3.2017 14:58

(In Antwort dazu)

Sadly for some respect is hard.


the123champ (27)

21.3.2017 17:32

(In Antwort dazu)

Too funny!


Spruceman (55)

21.3.2017 15:11

As long as he is of legal age, clean, sane, 'n' sober, I'll wrestle any man – straight, gay, bi, a. Yet to refuse any man here, or elsewhere on the Internet, who want to happen my way in real space-time to wrestle :)


turnbuckl (38)

21.3.2017 17:48

This site is solely geared to those of us who love to fight whether it be wrestling, brawling, is a fetish for many and sport for others. I have wrestled "str8" and married men who get off sexually after or during the match and i have wrestled gay men who aren't into the erotic aspect. There is room for everyone because we share the same interests. You just have to be honest when setting up a match so there is no disappointment when you actually meet. And we all share the frustration of the distance thing with those we want to battle. Great site!


the123champ (27)

22.6.2018 04:49

(In Antwort dazu)

Very true! I do like this sight much better than another one.


bogeyedmonk (1 )

25.3.2017 06:18

I have not had any comments. I have had wrestles with gay men,and they want to wrestle me. I have been asked if I am gay. When I reply I say NO, but I am here to wrestle so if you dont mind wrestling a straight guy then fine no problem.

There are different sexual orientations on here and thats fine, lets not forget we are ALL here because we like combat in whatever form.

Being st8 or gay should not be an issue


the123champ (27)

25.3.2017 12:30

(In Antwort dazu)

I agree... but doesn't always happen.


Just Dan (8)

26.3.2017 05:30

I think of myself as straight or mostly so. In recent years the lines along the straight/not straight continuum have blurred some. When I meet to wrestle my objective is to wrestle and usually so is the other guy's. None the less wrestling is inherently erotic with all that close contact and it often visibly shows. I see no harm in that.
