
User seit 6.8 Jahre
Alter 54
Größe 196 cm
Gewicht 113 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit Singlet, briefs, thong, jockstrap, squarecuts.
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login heute
Letztes Update 02.8.2020

Ehemalige Gegner


I don't really wrestle any more. I thought about getting back into it, but health issues are going to keep me away.

I still enjoy talking about wrestling and watching it. Favorite types are submission or pro fantasy submission. Not into fist fights, boxing, chokes, or low blows. When I did wrestle, I loved long held submission holds. No injuries or severe pain, but definitely wanted to feel the pressure. Favorite holds are bearhugs, surfboards, side body scissors, camel clutch and boston crabs.

I also like cyber wrestling and role playing IF it can be creative and descriptive. Love to be able to completely envision what is happening.




Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Nur Zuschauer Nur Zuschauer

Match-Struktur: Give and Take, Squash Match, Playwrestling, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Chatten, Ich mag Cyberwrestling

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Promission, Fights besuchen

Stand-up Fighting: Nicht an Stand-up Fighting interessiert

Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Beziehung, Ich bin ein Heel, Ich bin ein Jobber, Stakes (Wetteinsätze)

Fetische: Wichsen, Spandex, Wrestling-Outfit

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