- Kanada - Quebec, Montréal
Place of residence
Ich bin bereit, 100 Kilometer zu fahren
Ich kann Unterkunft bieten (Bed and Breakfast)
Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match, Techniken üben, Chatten, Kein Cyberwrestling
Stand-up Fighting: Nur an Stand-up Fighting interessiert, Faustkampf
Sonstige Interessen: Habe Zugang zu Matten, Freundschaft, Fotos tauschen
Fetische: Boxer-Outfit
Been on this site for a while and have really developed a penchant for boxing. To that end I've been training in boxing for about 2 years. I have very little to no interest in grappling, but am equipped and would consider an MMA match with a compatible opponent
Being a gay guy, I do have preferences as to the type of opponent I'm willing to meet. That said I'm ideally looking for skinny muscled, lean athletic scrappers who like to take on bigger guys in a competitive boxing match.
Lets do this!
Kanada - Quebec, Montréal
39 / 175 cm / 70 kg
Letzter Login: vor 3 Stunden
6 ehemalige Gegner in 6 Jahrenmadeincanada
Kanada - Ontario, Ottawa
53 / 180 cm / 70 kg
Letzter Login: vor 2 Stunden
170 ehemalige Gegner in 14 JahrenSpaß an Cyberwrestling? Sieh dir mal unsere Partnerseite an!MuscleBully hat keine Cybergegner.Laden …