

User seit 6.4 Jahre
Alter 60
Größe 180 cm
Gewicht 100 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 22.1.2025
  1. Vereinigte Staaten - Michigan, Ferndale

Ich bin bereit, 150 Meilen zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


Looks like if i want to wrestle, im going to have to get out of Michigan.
So, where should i go?

I'll be in the UK (Wales) a lot as of September 2025.

If you want to wrestle, let's do it! If you just want to talk about it, that's cool - but let me know you have no intention of meeting. Scheduling can be a bitch, but we'll figure it out. Just be upfront about things; and if you're not interested, please man up and just politely say, "No thanks." It's not that big of a deal.

If you live within about 120 miles, and want to wrestle, I have no issue driving to you, but time is a factor so be reasonable, please. Weekends are usually best for me right now.

Hit me up and let's see what we can make happen.

I don't cam so please don't ask.

Just relax and let's fun with this. I don't take it THAT seriously.




Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match, Give and Take, Squash Match, Playwrestling, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Zwei gegen einen, Chatten

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