
User seit 4.2 Jahre
Alter 51
Größe 185 cm
Gewicht 92 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit Singlets, Speedo’s, trunks
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 24.4.2024
  1. Vereinigtes Königreich, Stafford, England
    Place of residence

Ich bin bereit, 200 Kilometer zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


Hey guys. Amateur at best but willing and keen to learn.
Taking things steady after a period of inactivity through injury but wanting to get back into some sort of shape again.
Is there an experienced/ mature gent out there willing to give me some pointers or take me under their wing to help me gain experience?
Have a leaning towards pro style , old WOS does it for me. Would love to meet and learn to trade a few moves/ holds/ tricks from those more experienced than me.
I’m in reasonable shape, have strong legs and long arms.
I look forward to having some primal, man on man rumbles, in singlet, trunks or Speedo’s.
Willing to give as good as I can, but emphasis on fun. A trip to A&E certainly not on the cards.




Olympisch / Griechisch-Römisch Olympisch / Griechisch-Römisch
Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match, Give and Take, Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Trainingspartner, Outdoor-Kämpfe, Suche Trainer

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Britisches Prowrestling

Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Ich bin ein Heel

Abonnenten von Spooky

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