
User seit 15.7 Jahre
Alter 68
Größe 180 cm
Gewicht 157 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Outfit Trunks, boots
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 28.6.2024


  1. Vereinigte Staaten - New York, Tonawanda
    Between Buffalo and Niagara Falls

Ich bin bereit, 100 Meilen zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


Submission Submission
No Holds Barred No Holds Barred
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Boxen Boxen

Match-Struktur: Give and Take, Trainingspartner, Outdoor-Kämpfe, Suche Trainer

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Ringen mit Schlägen an den Körper, Promission, Pool Wrestling, Schlamm-/Ölringen

Sonstige Interessen: Freundschaft

Abonnenten von cripplerUSA


I am not the roughest, toughest man you will find, but I can hold my own against most all opponents. I love a good rough and tumble bout. Rough, tough, sweaty and not without some pain. Prefer men closer to me in size and age, but can and will accommodate within reason. I really don't care if you are a trained wrestler/fighter or have pro-training (cop or former military). I'll give you the bout of your life. If you ever get to the Buffalo, NY area, drop me a note and let's see what we can do to get something started !!!! You won't be sorry....Buffalo is beautiful in the summer and the wrestling will be good and sweaty. Due to health reasons, right now I am not in the best shape for either boxing nor wrestling. A work out, yes, but not a competitive bout. Working my way back.....

One more thing...I am really adamant on guys being more my size and closer to my age (so, if I do say that weight is a problem (100# or more) and safety is a concern, please understand this). I guess I've ruffled some feathers here in the past about this and some guys just jump up and down and swear that it's not a problem, but if we do tangle and someone gets injured, then who's the bad guy/bully here?


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