
User seit 15.7 Jahre
Alter 56
Größe 162 cm
Gewicht 67 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit trunks&boots boxing/wrestling boots at least
Sprachen Englisch, Japanisch
Letzter Login heute
Letztes Update 14.11.2023
  1. Japan
    Place of residence


For chronic renal disease,I cannnot play a match.
So Sorry, don't send「challenge!」and ask if I can/want fight.
My style is just looking.
Profile shows the reason.

I like to see mature dads box/wrestle
with trunks and boots including erotic and dirty tactics &old dad referees with uniform and hicut boots(whitelaced black is best).

And I like trunks&boots style, and recently sometimes wear them.
In addition to usual boxing trunks, tight&short swimming pants, I often use Japanese classic pants named fundosi.
l don’t wear nothing under trunks.
Jockstrap is similar to fundosi,I’m going to try.
Also have much interest in old timer dad refereee’s uniform, and try to wear them and my original ideal uniform as dad referee.
Hi cut boxing/prowrestling boots are
essential item.

I like to imagine boxing/wrestling for mature dads under my original style and rule.
Neither hard nor competitive.
Based playful and safe, but sometimes illegal and sensual, and beyond common rules.




Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Sumo Sumo
Boxen Boxen
Kickboxen / Muay Thai Kickboxen / Muay Thai
Nur Zuschauer Nur Zuschauer

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Ringen mit Schlägen an den Körper, Britisches Prowrestling

Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Beziehung, Modell stehen, Fotos tauschen, Ich bin ein Heel, Stakes (Wetteinsätze)

Fetische: Wichsen, Boxer-Outfit, Wrestling-Outfit, Nacktringen, Bauchboxen, Schwanzfight, Fußfetisch, Trampling, Stripwrestling

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