
User seit 16.1 Jahre
Alter 49
Größe 182 cm
Gewicht 125 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit anything goes
Sprachen Arabisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Hebräisch
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 24.12.2024
Shoe size 43
Favorite hold Bearhug
  1. Israel, תל־אביב–יפו, מחוז תל אביב
    This is where I live

Ich bin bereit, 500 Kilometer zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


It used to be fun when Tel Aviv was a great place to find cool guys from all over the world. Obviously, it's not like that anymore, and in addition, I had to lower the frequency of my visits to Europe. So, I don't meet many guys these days, but I'd love to meet nice people whenever there is a chance. I update my location when I travel.
As you can see, I'm a bearish guy (heavy and hairy), less heavy now than when these pictures were taken. I also have weaker back nowadays, so I have to settle for bearhugs, but that can be fun too.



Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Sumo Sumo

Match-Struktur: Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Trainingspartner, Kein Cyberwrestling

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Britisches Prowrestling, Schlamm-/Ölringen

Sonstige Interessen: Freundschaft, Beziehung

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frogcub hat keine Cybergegner.
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