
User seit 15.5 Jahre
Alter 61
Größe 173 cm
Gewicht 115 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit singlets shorts trunks
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login gestern
Letztes Update 15.4.2022
  1. Vereinigtes Königreich, Liverpool, England

Ich bin bereit, 50 Meilen zu fahren

Ehemalige Gegner


Fully vaccinated! Out of isolation again and back in the land of the living.

Keep safe everyone.

Piece of advice I received from a friend. It's so true.
"I feel so much better for letting go & I've come to the realization that some people are a part of my history, but not a part of my destiny."

I'm in and out of this site at the moment more often than dancing the Hokey Cokey, and not sure why I am still here. Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.

I am a Liverpool lad born and bred and am into wrestling. Have had a few bouts in the past (not very good) but want more. I dont mind the opponent and invitations from younger and lighter are more than welcome. I can't host but am willing to travel. So if you are interested, please contact me. And thanks to those who have in the past!
P.S. That is NOT a wedding ring on my finger, its 3rd finger RIGHT hand!

Keep safe everyone.




Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Match-Struktur: Ausgeglichenes Match, Give and Take, Squash Match, Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Zwei gegen einen, Chatten, Kein Cyberwrestling, Suche Trainer

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Promission, Britisches Prowrestling, Fights besuchen

Sonstige Interessen: Freundschaft

Fetische: Wrestling-Outfit, Muskelkult

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