

User seit 11.5 Jahre
Alter 61
Größe 173 cm
Gewicht 136 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Letzter Login heute
Letztes Update 25.4.2023
  1. Vereinigte Staaten - Maine, Brewer
    (Ich bin hier bis 01.1.2026)

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Figured it was time to update this again. I've loved wrestling all my the body contact of two men rolling around. Like to try holds back in forth, some submissions, but nobody gets hurt or ends up with unexplained bruises or in the ER. Love when a match goes for the erotic side and alot of my matches do, but if that's not your cup of tea, just let me know and we don't have to go there. I have attended a couple of Wrestlefests and Thunderdome weekends and have met some great wrestlers and made some great friends...on and off the mats. This is a great site. Stay safe all!! And be kind to each other.
Update 4/23/23*** After getting injured at this wrestlefest I am not going to be competing actively in our sport any longer. That being said, will still do matches and go some play wrestling and meet ups but the body can’t handle competitive wrestling anymore. But will practice holds, play wrestle and the like. Stay safe and kind and I’ve enjoyed everyone I’ve talked with and met!




Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Nur Zuschauer Nur Zuschauer

Match-Struktur: Squash Match, Playwrestling, Techniken üben, Tag Team / Gruppenkämpfe, Zwei gegen einen, Chatten, Suche Trainer

Spezifische Wrestling Stile: Fights besuchen, Pool Wrestling, Schlamm-/Ölringen

Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Ich bin ein Heel, Ich bin ein Jobber, Stakes (Wetteinsätze)

Fetische: Wichsen, Wrestling-Outfit, Nacktringen, Nippelspiel, CBT, Face Sitting, Stripwrestling

Abonnenten von mainewrestlingchub

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