Phishing Alert: Please report any users requesting email addresses or asking to continue conversations outside of MeetFighters. Scammers are using credentials purchased on the darknet from data breaches. Always use a unique password for each site, and avoid using the same email/username and password combination across multiple websites. If you currently do, please change your passwords immediately. Consider enabling warnings in your password manager or antivirus software to alert you if your email has been compromised in past breaches and to monitor for future issues. Use long, strong passwords. Weak and easily guessed passwords not only put your account at risk but also endanger the entire community, as attackers might impersonate you to reach out to your friends.


User seit 2.5 Jahre
Alter 70
Größe 175 cm
Gewicht 88 kg
Geschlecht Mann
Orientierung Gay
Bevorzugter Gegner Mann
Outfit army fatigues, worn jeans, cargos, wife-beaters, vests, bucket hats
Sprachen Englisch
Letzter Login 10.4.2024
Letztes Update 31.12.2022


  1. Vereinigte Staaten - Arizona, Phoenix
    Place of residence

Ich bin bereit, 1000 Meilen zu fahren
Ich kann Unterkunft bieten (Bed and Breakfast)

Ehemalige Gegner


Boxen Boxen

Match-Struktur: Squash Match

Stand-up Fighting: Nicht an Stand-up Fighting interessiert

Sonstige Interessen: Massieren, Freundschaft, Fotos tauschen, Ich bin ein Heel

Fetische: Bauchboxen, Trampling, Stripwrestling, Muskelkult

Abonnenten von thmpr


Zen of Belly. Fun and friendly older gay male seeking submissive, abdominally durable dudes (any age, any race) that absolutely love having their bellies massaged, kneaded, pressed, squeezed, poked, punched, jabbed, stabbed, sat upon, trampled, hugged, caressed and used as a pillow for hours upon hours ... days. If truly wanting your midsection safely and sanely destroyed, I have the creativity to take you exactly where you need to go. Restraints, bats and other destruction tools available. Mild to wild role playing up to and including fantasy snuff and rag doll. Loads of experience, references. Been at this a loooong time - over 55 years. I'm not the hardest hitter by choice ... want you to enjoy and last. Sex is not mandatory. Frottage and JO if desired. No anal or oral. Clothing is sexy ... army fatigues, jeans, cargo pants, t-shirts, wife-beaters, vests, hats.


  • Whifferdill

    Olympisch / Griechisch-RömischPro Wrestling

    Vereinigte Staaten - Hawaii, Mililani

    64 / 170 cm / 84 kg
    11 ehemalige Gegner in 10 Jahren

thmpr hat keine Cybergegner.
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