yim's blog


There are many reasions why a person chooses to fight some fight for pride, some fight for honor, some fight for sport, some fight just for the reasion to do so with anyone they can find. Personaly i like to fight just for the workout and the privlage to show that i am more of a man than my oponnet and if i loose that fight i have no problem telling my oponnet that he got the better of me (for now). Because if i loose a fight it does not discourage me it strengthins my will to strive harder to learn more to do that extra pull up or push up to better myself for the next match. The key is to not be discouraged by a loss but look at it as a opportunity to learn something new or to strengthen your body to fight again! keep on fighting fellas!!!

Letzte Änderung am 07.7.2009 08:42 von yim



SileX (219)

07.7.2009 09:46

I fight for the sport, and because it's so simple. You can hook up with people you've never met, and immediately have something in common.


hardandy312 (44)

07.7.2009 12:15

I fight for for many reasons,the thrill you get from meeting knew guys, the nerves you get before a fight,the thrill of getting to feel raw aggression as you take your first tentative steps towards each other,not knowing if the rules you have made will be kept or broken,the feeling that runs through your body as you take the first few punches or locks testing each others strength to full,the sheer exhilaration as you enter your first ground fight with determination to score your first point or gain your first submission. To win you know you must overpower your opponent in so many different ways, mentaly,physicaly. fighting till sheer exhaustion becomes a reality when two equally sized opponents face one another in a determination to succeed at all costs. Testosterone levels and hormones running riot inside your body give you a feeling that anyone who doesn't fight will never experience. Winning or losing such a fight can either leave your mind in such a turmoil,or in brain overload with exhillaration. If i lose a fight against such an opponent i know i have to work harder to succeed or if i win then i know that i have to keep up with the work ive been doing. The best part of any fight is always after it finishes when you shake your opponents hand or hold him in an embrace of friendship and are able to walk out together wearing your bruises with pride and a satisfaction of knowing you have made a friend for life and a knowledge that you will fight again as soon as possible.


ikf (24 )

19.7.2009 10:09

Great motivating words guys! Great to read, thanks!


calwrestler (147)

08.5.2019 16:37

Exactly, Yim.....you nailed it
