oursonlutteur wird empfohlen von ARGONSA1 (26.2.2013)
Que du bonheur !
Un conseil : ramenez des bouts de bois !
oursonlutteur wird empfohlen von SPORTINPARIS (25.2.2013)
Charmant. Tres agreable. Tres bon lutteur. Forte et avec l endurance. Un tres bon match.
NonoSubfighter wird empfohlen von Mirceal (25.2.2013)
Hop hop en retard pour la reco' , mais chaude recommandation car ce garçon qui n'a pas l'air d'y toucher, encore débutant, est un lutteur né :) oui oui moi je vous le dis : instinct du combat, de la défense , et doué d'une bonne résistance , il sera j'en suis sur un redoutable adversaire d'ici peu ...
Agréable en dehors du tapis , intéressant comme tout et accueillant, on se revoit bientôt pour l'autre séance "H" dont nous avions parlé :) highly highly highly recommanded !!!
fghter wird empfohlen von JUDOMARS (25.2.2013)
This guy is JUST one of the best grappler I ever met here... he is built as you see on pics, but more impressive and massive in real, and he deserves his blue belt in jiu jitsu, oh yes!....he is kind, smiling, sexy.. With a guy like him you cannot be injured, cause he knows perfectly his job : SUBMIT YOU WITH HONOR and great technics.. I really enjoyed my meeting with him, my fight with him, he got a perfect place to roll, and real mats for roll and roll... we grapple during 2 hours, and was SO great, hard, intense, muscle to muscle, with lot of sweat shared....he always push you at your extrem capacities, as his cardio is powerful... he is a master.. but next time I hope submit him... we will see!... you can trust him for all. We are too far from each other for being regular sparing partnairs, but Mark is just the ideal sparing partnair. You will learn a lot grappling with him.. and dont forget he is fucking strong him-self for his size,as I am too, so was just GREAT clash-male-meeting... SO THANK you for all dear Mark...
GrapplingHB wird empfohlen von anakron (25.2.2013)
Sehr erfahrener Kämpfer, der weiß was er tut, sich auf seine Gegenüber einstellt und sein Wissen auch teilt. Dazu sympathisch und zuverlässig und mit großer Leidenschaft am Kämpfen.
NonoSubfighter wird empfohlen von BRYAN (25.2.2013)
Mec super sympas et champion en puissance. Une très Bonne énergie, beaucoup d' enthousiasme, endurant et bien foutu. Je recommande pour des rencontres très sportives. Vivement la prochaine.
Very friendly and future winner. He has a lot of energy, enthousiasm and weel built. I recommand for a real fight. See you soon.
ArmwrestleAndMore wird empfohlen von gutpunching (24.2.2013)
Great guy, with very very storng abs. Could really hard take from fists to dumbbels, and give hard punches back too. Really recommended.
pshawfocus wird empfohlen von gutpunching (24.2.2013)
That's really awersome man, with hard pack, could take and bring in lot of punches, tramling, pressing in abs with all stuff flexed and unflexed. Also he's friendly, inteligent and have great sense of humor.
JUDOMARS wird empfohlen von fghter (24.2.2013)
OK....If there's a high bar on this site. This guy is it. He is a great, skilled, competitive, truly athletic fighter with the kind of body that is built from both a commitment to the gym and to the mats. The guy's pictures are also accurate. He knows his submission fighting and his Jiu Jitsu technique and he is very very strong for his size. We first fought on a recent trip he made to NYC and it was one of the most satisfying and toughest matches I've ever had with a guy from this site, or any, for that matter. He's aggressive, smart, and plays jiu jitsu like other people play chess, which is exactly my game so our 2 hours of muscle to muscle battle sweat and skill was one of the best experiences I've had on the mats. OFF the mats it's just as good: the guy is a winner. Genuine, down to earth, with a great sense of humor and a real respect for other fighters. If you can bring a good body, good skills, strength, and stamina to the table, JUDOMARS is gonna be one of the fights of your life.
anakron wird empfohlen von GrapplingHB (24.2.2013)
Starker Gegner und guter Gastgeber, mit dem das Raufen richtig Spaß macht. Jederzeit wieder, nur zu empfehlen