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A great Wrestling Channel Recommendation

lighthouseguy (6 )

12/17/2020 2:33 AM

Symptoms of Covid-19 include Confusion. I saw one of the names of the wrestlers on here as Hardsheep. Ok that's it, I am gonna get tested tomorrow.


calfatestic (0)

12/13/2020 5:19 PM

Fabulous videos


ovid17 (25)

12/08/2020 5:23 PM

Excellent action. Intense and sweaty and love the trunk gripping !


mochablk (22)

12/02/2020 12:33 PM

These are great!


Gualb (0 )

11/22/2020 8:19 PM


I really like Kushti Wrestling. So... Everyday a look at Youtube for new Kushti videos and one day a found this channel called "Gulzar Wrestling Akhara ZKP".
This channel apparently is recent (the first video was posted 1 month ago) and they post great wrestling matches. A lot of great action!
Here some of my favorite fights from the channel:

Hope you like it!


lescraggy (0)

3/22/2022 5:17 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you. I have searched Kushti many times and not seen this.


champjoe (0)

11/23/2020 7:47 PM

(In reply to this)

some great wrestling fights. Do they have matches with dudes from USA. Found some of a group of young dudes wrestling these guys.


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