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Fightplace Joe

baltimoredude29 (0 )

1/26/2021 6:45 PM

saw a couple hot Fightplace videos of Joe. It'd be a dream to go at it with him. I like how rough his fights are and that it feels like at any moment they're going to break down into a bareknuckle fist fight or just a chaotic male catfight. Any videos you guys have seen that are similar to or relate? Share here please! and thanks :)


FightGames (27 )

1/28/2021 6:50 AM

(In reply to this)

i think indeed it would be great to see you two on the ground each truing to submit the other
you have.. well you seem to have the same type of body...roughly same would be great to see you both entangled and inflicting pain on each other
i like your bare fist and chaotic attitude on every fights
i have some vids on him


FightGames (27 )

1/27/2021 5:13 AM

(In reply to this)

hey you re speaking about the german site with Joe?


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