
Xandi55 is recommended by germanboxingman (8/04/2020)

Ein körperlich starker Gegner, der beim Boxen viel Talent zeigt.
Die fehlende Erfahrung im Sparring werden wir bei weiteren Treffen ausbauen.


abuster is recommended by Freddy (8/04/2020)

This boy introduced me to the world of wrestling. We talked for a long time before we actually met up, and I feel bad we didn't do it sooner because it was so worth it. He's been my opponent and observed me fight. I've had a fantastic time being a jobber for him. He plays the heel roll so well and he knows how to read his jobber and adapt to what makes the dynamic work the best! Beware those arms, the sleepers and gut punches he can pull out are intimating and wonderful!
He's capable of cranking up the erotic stuff as well as he can really give you a good beat down. He's so fun to have a bout with! I highly recommend him, he's definitely someone who knows what to do! Plus he's good at putting jobbers in a very sexy spladdle ;)


vicj81 is recommended by Freddy (8/04/2020)

Our encounter was short but I definitely want to meet up again to see more of him. This studs got charm and good vibes. Fun to hang out with and great to roll around with. I'm excited for the chance to really go at it with him!


BigRugbyBoy is recommended by matpowers617 (8/04/2020)

this is one big strong kid - he can dish it out and take it too - personable, and respectful - a pleasure to wrestle him - looking forward to the next time. Highly recommend a match with him


TakeDown000 is recommended by abuster (8/04/2020)

Scrapper lil guy! But he sure can take a good beating too! he does not kid when he says to do your worst! If you guys are looking for a pain sponge then start with him ;)


abuster is recommended by TakeDown000 (8/04/2020)

Had an awesome tag team match and Ash was one of the best. Really cute, strong, and dominant but also sane and knows what he is doing so you will be in good hands in case he ends up beating you. Next rematch though I think I need to see his worst gut punches and ball busts but one can only do so much in an hour!


luchadormachomurcia is recommended by Kiko1976 (8/04/2020)

Luchador fuerte, duro y buen rival. Sabe pelear y adaptarse a las características del rival. He pasado un buen rato peleando con el y seguro que repetiré. Una buena lucha entre machos .


Kiko1976 is recommended by luchadormachomurcia (8/04/2020)

Después de tiempo por fin hemos podido tener nuestra pelea, ha sido una mañana intensa de lucha entre dos buenos machos. Una persona dura e intensa en la lucha, conforme coja más practica será mas imbatible. Un placer pelear contigo, y una persona muy agradable


calad100 is recommended by Lucario92 (8/03/2020)

Had a very hot and sweaty match with this guy on his mats. Pleasant throughout and even taught me a few tips! Would recommend to anyone! :)


Freddy is recommended by abuster (8/03/2020)

What can I say about this boy? He is true to his word when he says he is an eager student! We met up for the first time in February for his first ever wrestling meet up and it lit a spark in him that burns stronger every month! He has fully embraced the world of gay erotic wrestling and is developing a skillset for the competitive world of wrestling as well!
I will say him playing the jobber role is fucking fun. Believe me his reactions and taunts make it that much more of a delight to heel the fuck out of him ;) plus his ass is one of my all time favs so you can also take that into consideration too ;)
So what i am saying is, this boy is highly recommended!
