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Mark uk is recommended by ocmuscle (8/10/2010)

Mark is a great guy. I had a great time wrestling him. We definitely had a hot sweaty submission match! Cool dude.


louisfight is recommended by dadwrestle (8/10/2010)

I enjoyed a tough, hard wrestle with Louis! He was a considerate host, too.


viper is recommended by socalwrest (8/10/2010)

A very strong and skilled guy. Great fun to wrestle. Looking forward to our next match


ocmuscle is recommended by Mark uk (8/09/2010)

I met Nick in LA. In great shape, tough but fun wrestler. Don't be fooled by his size as he is strong. We wrestled solid for 2.5hrs and i enjoyed every minute of it. An absolute genuine guy and easy to get on with. look him up if your in town. Im def booking a return match. 10/10


Leanmachineuk is recommended by grappleian (8/08/2010)

Had a grapple at Manchester, have to agree with other comments: quick in pace, skilled and good strength, put me through my paces...


werewolf is recommended by Mirceal (8/08/2010)

very nice guy and good wrestler ;)


Wrestleboyjoey is recommended by Pecador (8/07/2010)

I had a GREAT time with Joey. He is an AMAZING person and a good wrestler. I have wonderful memories of our group meet in Madrid, and I am waiting for my chance to meet him again in the future. He is a very reliable and a passionate wrestler.


flexiwrestler is recommended by RingerCGN (8/05/2010)

highly recommended !!! very nice and cute guy :-) Hope to see you again ;-)


Toughwrestler is recommended by ScotLaird1 (8/04/2010)

Real good guy to meet and to wrestle-sporting and intelligent, skilled,aggresive and tough on the mats with a classic middleweight wrestler's physique. Lost this bout, but am keen to rematch with him.

ps Thanks for coming to Glasgow


nycbrawl is recommended by NJWoodbridge (8/03/2010)

I cannot say enough great things about Nate. He and I have wrestled several times. Good guy; reliable (difficult to schedule, but always shows up when he does schedule). Great fun to wrestle - sub and pro. Durable jobber, fun heel, semi-skilled competitor. Handsome - looks 10-15 years younger than he his (which has me envious).
