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luchabarna is recommended by Jorgefighter (7/10/2010)

My first rival long time ago... and my first beating. Very lean guy, good shape, knows his stuff. Don't act cockyly with him :-D


musclejudo is recommended by 1try2pinme8 (7/10/2010)

as strong as an ox. be prepared to loose ... great good looking guy, fun on and off the mats


1try2pinme8 is recommended by musclejudo (7/10/2010)

great strong big guy, as well equipped with mats - i had a good time with hime, very recommendable


polyethylene33 is recommended by 1try2pinme8 (7/09/2010) a strong, very good looking, skilled wrestler. grapple him if you can.


polyethylene33 is recommended by surfboard (7/09/2010)

I have wrestled polyethylene33 a couple of times. Both bouts were fun and hot! I would recommend him as he is skilled and knows a lot of holds.


muscldfighter is recommended by rock20087 (7/08/2010)

One of the best matches I've had all year. A really great guy who was not only fun to wrestle but also great to hang with. I look forward to a rematch the next time he's in town. Highly recommended without reservation!


wrestling4fun is recommended by surfboard (7/07/2010)

Wrestling4fun is a great opponent. We have met twice. I would recommend him to anyone who is interested in a fun submission bout. Cool guy.


munichsubfight is recommended by Wrestlinger2009 (7/07/2010)

Netter Mensch, sehr starker Gegner, gute Technik, gerne jederzeit wieder


Funfightingneil is recommended by polo62 (7/07/2010)

Great guy. First met 15 years ago but lost contact. Just met again. Highly recommended for fun wrestling and had very close contest. Very much into old World of Sport too


Raufmaniac76 is recommended by submissionzh (7/06/2010)

stark und ausdauernd...toller body! testet ihn, denn übung macht den meister :)
