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Member since 2.1 years
Age 30
Height 5'9" (176 cm)
Weight 209 lbs (95 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Gay
Looking for Male
Gear 摔跤服、拳击短裤
Languages spoken Chinese, English
Last login 4 days ago
Last update 2/25/2024



Show on map
  1. China, 房山区, 北京市

I am willing to host. (Bed and Breakfast)

Past opponents


Just watching Just watching

Match structure: Even match, Squash match

Specific wrestling styles: Brazilian ju-jitsu, Promission, Folkstyle, Mud/oil wrestling

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches

Miscellaneous interests: Massage, Friendship, Relationship, I'm a heel, I'm a jobber

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Wrestle for top, Spandex, Wrestling gear, Naked wrestling, Cock fighting

Followers of mrfofo


QQ:534192662。喜欢看摔跤搏击,比如UFC和WWE,还有一般的拳击和摔跤,尤其喜欢erotic frot的部分。当年可是看CanAm、BgEast和NakedKombat启蒙的,比利王是男神。死胖子没有训练基础,大神可以仰望,菜鸡可以互啄。


mrfofo has no cyber opponents.