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Wrestlers in Asia

Autumn challenge to Razor

Wrestlertoo (104)

2/18/2015 11:21 AM

i will be there soon...wait so that I can watch the match! lol
Cheers, Jon


celtwrestle (47 )

2/18/2015 2:29 PM

(In reply to this)

I say metuck is the new champ. No formal handover yet - but I plan a title match followed by the winner plus Razor doing over the loser heel-jobber style


celtwrestle (47 )

9/16/2014 4:33 AM

Hey Razor. What do you reckon in a match between you and I to decide in who actually is the better fighter.
I'm willing to put my claim to the best Hong Kong-based meetfighter wrestler on the line.
As this is more or less a public challenge, group members can come and watch.
So how about a championship decider when the weather cools in November or December?
Of course, we can still scrap before then, but as a buildup to this title match
What do other HK based group members say?

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